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P. 12

Gibor Yisrael:

            The Heroic Story of

        Elchanan Kalmanson

                                Rabbi Aron White

                 As the news of the Hamas invasion of southern Israel spread, hundreds of Israelis poured in from
              around the country to help. While Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Nir Oz and other kibbutzim were overrun by hundreds
                 of Hamas terrorists, elite IDF units, off-duty policemen and many “ordinary” citizens engaged in
                 heroic combat, without having been called up to duty. These heroes saved hundreds of lives – and
                  many of them paid for it with their own. One such hero is Elchanan Kalmanson. This is the story
                    of a father of five who jumped in his car, saved tens of lives, and died Al Kiddush Hashem.

            n the morning of Shemini Atzeret,   battlefield, in the pastoral setting of a   who had seen their parents murdered or
            42-year-old Elchanan Kalmanson’s   usually tranquil kibbutz.        kidnapped. In many cases, they had to
            phone started pinging. As Otniel’s                                  neutralize terrorists before they could get
        Ohead of security and a veteran of the   “Elchanan had trained extensively in   into the house. They successfully freed
                                            anti-terror security operations,” said his
        Israeli security services (his precise role   father, Rabbi Beni Kalmanson, in an inter-  some families from their safe rooms, even
        is still classified), he heard news of the   view with Makor Rishon. “When he arrived,   as their house burned around them. They
        massacre early on. “It doesn’t look good,”   the army had many special forces in Be’eri,   would pack ten or twelve people into the
        he told his parents and wife, “and I need   but the terrorists had already overtaken   back of a truck made for 4 and drive them
        to go and help.” His brother Menachem   tens of homes. The only way to help people   out of the kibbutz before heading back into
        and nephew Itiel joined him. They jumped   was to go house to house, without know-  the inferno. “Each time, we would say
        in their car and drove towards the Gaza   ing what you were going to find in each   how much we don’t want to go back in,”
        border, to the unknown.             one.”                               said Itiel. “But we knew what we had to
                                                                                do.” Hour after hour, the ad hoc “Tzevet
        As thousands of rockets were fired into   As the Shaldag special forces from the   Elchanan” saved lives.
        Israel,  they  kept driving  towards  the   IDF tried first to secure the perimeter,   In many homes, after neutralizing terror-
        border. They heard that Kibbutz Be’eri   ensuring no more terrorists could get   ists, Elchanan would knock on the safe
        was where they were needed most. Be’eri   into Be’eri, Elchanan, Menachem and   room door: “We are here to save you, open
                                            Itiel took an armored truck from one of
        is the largest kibbutz in the Gaza envelope,   the soldiers there and began going from   the door!” Several of the terrified families
        and its 1,100 residents were now under   house to house to evacuate as many res-  were worried that Hamas terrorists were
        attack by hundreds of brutal terrorists.   idents as they could. They experienced   trying to trick them into leaving the safe
        They arrived at an unimaginable scene   every possible scenario – in some houses   room, and they would start asking ques-
        – smoke rising from burning homes, the   they saved entire families, in others they   tions. “Which unit of the army are you
        sounds of gunshots, screaming and explo-  tragically discovered that there was no one   from?” they asked. “Otniel – we are not
        sions everywhere. This was a full-blown   to save, while in others they saved children   from the army,” he responded. If they were

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