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P. 17
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
The Power of Loneliness
e’ve reached the culmi- uncharacteristically writes הוצמ The first candle also corresponds to
nation of the month of דאמ דע איה הביבח - it is a much loved Avraham, the epitome of kindness. Be
WKislev, whose entire nature mitzvah. kind. Light and pray for someone sit-
is supernatural. Chanukah is above ting in the dark, someone who is suf-
and beyond nature! Or better still, it fering. Prayer for others is the greatest
is natural that miracles are performed kindness, and it saves the one who
at this time and the Ribono Shel Olam prays from loneliness as well.
answers our prayers. He wants to
make miracles for us, with our help. I once received a letter from a mother
who told me what she prayed for on
On the eight days of Chanukah we the first night of Chanukah. In front
have the ability to change decrees. of that one lonely candle she prayed
Yes, Chanukah has the ability to actu- that her only child would not grow up
ally overturn decrees. During normal lonely. That he should have a brother
times, a decree is a decree. Actions or sister. And indeed, after much
don’t help. We cannot change the heartache and effort, she and her hus-
outcome. But on Chanukah, for eight band were blessed with another son.
days, we have the opportunity to act On the first night, the lonely people
and make the effort. G-d “moves say to the Ribono Shel Olam: “Look
over” (as it were) and through our Hashem, I’ve been struggling alone
intervention, desires to perform in this darkness, yearning and asking:
הכיא? Where are you? I’m now light-
There are even great secrets hidden in Lighting the First Candle ing a candle for You in the dark and
the words of the beracha on the can- believe that my complete salvation is
dles. The Sephardim say: ’ה ה ָּ ת ַ א ךּור ָּ ב The first candle is ֹותי ֵ בּו ׁשי ִ א רֵנ, “one imminent.”
ּונָּ ו ִ צ ְ ו וי ָ תֹו ְ צ ִ מ ְּ ב ּונ ׁ ָ ש ּ ְ ד ִ ק ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א ם ָ לֹוע ָ ה ך ֶ ל ֶ מ ּוני ֵ קלֹ ֱ א candle per household.” Therefore, try Even if the candle has already been
to at least light this candle at home.
ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח רֵנ קי ִ ל ְ ד ַ ה ְ ל, while the Ashkenazim extinguished, keep praying. Give lone-
say: ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח ל ׁ ֶ ש רֵנ. Even if you are a guest somewhere
and you don’t sleep at home, hala- liness a place in your prayer.
What’s the difference? One word: ל ׁ ֶ ש. chically you must light in your own According to Rav Soloveitchik, the
The mystic, Rabbi Ben-Tzion Mutzafi house as well, before or after, because merits of our lonely people will bring
explains the Sephardi version: the it brings blessing to your home. the light of Mashiach. Why? Because
beracha contains exactly 13 words. So light and bear in mind: “I am now one small, lone candle can eradicate
According to the Arizal, through invoking those days that were, those great darkness.
uttering each one, we reveal one of wondrous lights from the time of the The redemption will come, writes
the 13 middot haRachamim (G-d’s Chanukah miracles.” Rabbi Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin,
attributes of mercy): ,םּוח ַ ר ,ל-ק ,’ה ,’ה Because in Judaism, even time is when you understand: י ִ חי ׁ ִ ש ְ מ ִ ל רֵנ י ִּ ת ְ כ ַ ר ָ ע,
ד ֶ ס ֶ ח ר ֵ צנ .ת ֶ מ ֱ א ֶ ו ,ד ֶ ס ֶ ח ב ַ ר ְ ו ,םִי ַּ פ ַ א ך ֶ ר ֶ א ,ןּוּנ ַ ח ְ ו above time. “I have lit a candle for my redeemer,”
ה ֵּ קַנ ְ ו ה ָ א ָּ ט ַ ח ְ ו ע ַ ׁש ֶ פ ָ ו ןֹו ָ ע א ֵ ׂשנ םי ִ פ ָ ל ֲ א ָ ל. He (Tehillim 135:17). י ִּ ת ְ כ ַ ר ָ ע - I have worth
also explains the deeper meaning of According to the Maharal, Rabbi (ךרע לעב) because even in my loneli-
the other customs surrounding the Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and the ness, I illuminate a dark world.
Chanukah candles, like singing Maoz Chatam Sofer, the first candle is for all
Tzur. the lonely people.
Although customs and segulot are For anyone who feels like a lone
not essential for the actual lighting, candle in the dark. For those wanting
they do serve to make the mitzvah to get married. Or to think of others Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi is a popular
even more precious, as the Rambam in their loneliness and isolation. Israeli teacher, speaker and writer.
Faith is what redeems us from loneliness and humanizes the world. | 17