Page 22 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 22

Eight Lessons in

           Rabbi Sacks’ Leadership

                                          by Rabbi Benji Levy

                                 Chief Executive, Mosaic United

            eflecting on the life of Rabbi   was a  true servant of  the L-rd and a
            Sacks, I would like to share one   servant of the people.
      Rlesson for each night of Chanu-
       kah, adding one to his ‘Seven Principles   2. Leadership begins by
       of Jewish Leadership’  through which   taking responsibility
       his light continues to shine:
                                            Weaving this message throughout his
       1. Leadership is service             teachings, and allowing it to animate
                                            the experience of learning Torah and
       Moshe    Rabbeinu’s  achievements    the journey of prayer through his    3. Leadership is
       were vast and transformational and   Koren commentaries, Rabbi Sacks      vision-driven
       he  received  many  titles  throughout   seemed obsessed with taking respon-
       the ages, from the greatest prophet to   sibility: “When we see something   Influencers usually have a platform
       the teacher par excellence. Yet Rabbi   wrong, we can complain or we can   such as heading a large institution,
       Sacks highlights only one label as his   act. Complaining does not change the   holding a significant office, leading
       ‘highest accolade,’ namely: “a servant   world. Acting does.”             a company or representing an orga-
       of the L-rd.” Here Rabbi Sacks reveals                                    nization. The greater the platform,
       the value he sees as most important,   His theology was one of practice and   the louder the voice. Yet, in the last
       “a leader does not stand above the   he did not shy away from dealing with   years of Rabbi Sacks’ life – by far
       people. He serves the people and     issues of the day, openly defending   his most influential – he had none
       serves G-d.”                         Israel’s right to defend herself and   of that. I know of no Jewish leader
                                            calling out antisemitism for what    today that achieved close to what he
       I had the honor of accompanying      it is, fighting those that hated any   did regarding broad authority. Part
       Rabbi Sacks when he visited Austra-  group, broadening his defense of the   of what enlivened all he did was his
       lia and I was surprised when (in more   defenseless, and indeed calling on all   tremendous  vision,  his  capacity  to
       than one shul) he sat among us rather   of humanity to make space for one   invite others to share that vision and
       than in the special area reserved for   another. He publicly debated some of   of course, to deliver: “Leaders are led
       the Rabbi. Like Moshe, his humility   his greatest philosophical detractors,   by their vision of the future, and it is
       was real. He truly saw himself as a   like  Richard  Dawkins, and  took  on   this that inspires others.”
       mere messenger of a greater message.   those that presented a real danger, like
       He quoted C.S. Lewis, who defined    British Prime Ministerial candidate   From our birth as a nation to our
       humility not as thinking less of your-  Jeremy Corbyn.                    rebirth in our nation-state, our his-
       self but as thinking of yourself less.                                    toric  perspective  always beckons
       Rabbi Sacks was so occupied with     In short, Rabbis Sacks’ responsibility   us one step further because “His-
       thinking about others that he thought   lay in his ability to respond – some-  tory does not give rise to hope; hope
       of himself less. And through this, he   thing he did with distinction.    gives rise to history.” Rabbi Sacks was

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