Page 28 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 28

As your family gathers to light the Chanukah candles,       let each night be inspired by the words of Rabbi Sacks

                                           NIGHT 2                                                NIGHT 4
                NIGHT 1               The Light of                                            Inspired by
        The Light of the               War and the                     NIGHT 3              Faith, We Can
        Spirit Never Dies            Light of Peace             Inside/Outside            Change the World

         here’s an interesting question   here is a law about Chanukah I find   here is more than one command   wenty-two centuries ago, when
       Tthe commentators ask about  Tmoving and profound. Rambam   Tin Judaism to light lights. There are   TIsrael was under the rule of the
       Chanukah. For eight days we light   writes that “the command of Chanu-  three: Shabbat candles, the havdalah   empire of Alexander the Great,
       lights, and each night we make the   kah lights is very precious. One who   candle and the Chanukah candles.  one particular leader, Antiochus IV,
       blessing over miracles: sheasa nissim   lacks the money to buy lights should   The difference between them is that   decided to force the pace of Helle-
       laAvotenu. But what was the miracle   sell something, or if necessary borrow,   Shabbat candles represent shalom   nisation, forbidding Jews to practice
       of the first night? The light that should   so as to be able to fulfil the mitzvah.”  bayit, peace in the home. They are lit   their religion and setting up in the
       have lasted one day lasted eight. But   The question then arises, what if, on   indoors. They are, if you like, Judaism’s   Temple in Jerusalem a statue of Zeus
       that means there was something   Friday afternoon, you find yourself   inner light, the light of the sanctity of   Olympus.
       miraculous about days two to eight;   with only one candle? What do you   marriage and the holiness of home.  This was too much to bear, and a
       but nothing miraculous about the   light it as – a Shabbat candle or a            group of Jews, the Maccabees, fought
       first day.                                             The Chanukah candles used to be lit
                                  Chanukah one? It can’t be both. Logic   outside – outside the front door. It   for their religious freedom, winning
       Perhaps the miracle was this, that the   suggests that you should light it as a   was only fear of persecution that took   a stunning victory against the most
       Maccabees found one cruse of oil with   Chanukah candle. After all, there is no   the Chanukah candles back inside,   powerful army of the ancient world.
       its seal intact, undefiled. There was   law that you have to sell or borrow to   and in recent times the Lubavitcher   After three years they re-conquered
       no reason to suppose that anything   light lights for Shabbat. Yet if faced   Rebbe introduced the custom of light-  Jerusalem, rededicated the Temple
       would have survived the systematic   with such a choice, the law is you light   ing giant menorahs in public places   and relit the menorah with the one
       desecration  the  Greeks  and  their   it as a Shabbat light. Why?  to bring back the original spirit of   cruse of undefiled oil they found
       supporters did to the Temple. Yet   Listen to Rambam: “The Shabbat light   the day.  among the wreckage.
       the Maccabees searched and found   takes priority because it symbolizes           It was one of the most stunning mil-
       that one jar. Why did they search?   shalom bayit, domestic peace. And   Chanukah candles are the light Juda-  itary achievements of the ancient
       Because they had faith that from   great is peace because the entire   ism brings to the world when we are   world. It was, as we say in our
       the worst tragedy something would   Torah was given in order to make   unafraid to announce our identity in   prayers, a victory of the few over the
       survive. The miracle of the first night   peace in the world.”  public, live by our principles and fight,   many, the weak over the strong. It’s
       was that of faith itself, the faith that               if necessary, for our freedom.  summed up in a wonderful line from
       something would remain with which   Consider: Chanukah commemorates   As for the havdalah candle, which   the prophet Zechariah: “not by might
       to begin again.            one of the greatest military victories   is always made up of several wicks   nor by strength but by My spirit says
                                  in Jewish history. Yet Jewish law rules   woven together, it represents the
       So it has always been in Jewish his-  that if we can only light one candle –      the L-rd.” The Maccabees had neither
       tory. There were times when any   the Shabbat light takes precedence   fusion of the two, the inner light of   might nor strength, neither weapons
       other people would have given up   because in Judaism the greatest   Shabbat, joined to the outer light we   nor numbers. But they had a double
       in despair: after the destruction of   military victory takes second place   make during the six days of the week   portion of the Jewish spirit that longs
       the Temple, or the massacres of the   to peace in the home.  when we go out into the world and   for freedom and is prepared to fight
       crusades, or the Spanish Expulsion,                    live our faith in public.  for it.
       or the pogroms, or the Shoah. But   Why did Judaism, alone among the   When we live as Jews in private,   Never believe that a handful of dedi-
       somehow Jews did not sit and weep.   civilizations  of  the  ancient  world,   filling our homes with the light of   cated people can’t change the world.
       They gathered what remained, rebuilt   survive? Because it valued the home   the Shechina, when we live as Jews   Inspired by faith, they can. The Macca-
       our people, and lit a light like no other   more than the battlefield, marriage   in public, bringing the light of hope   bees did then. So can we today.
       in history, a light that tells us and the   more than military grandeur, and chil-  to others, and when we live both
       world of the power of the human   dren more than generals. Peace in the   together, then we bring light to the
       spirit to overcome every tragedy and   home mattered to our ancestors more   world.
       refuse to accept defeat.   than the greatest military victory.
                                                              There always were two ways to live
       From the days of Moshe and the bush   So as we celebrate Chanukah, spare   in a world that is often dark and full
       that burned and was not consumed   a thought for the real victory, which   of tears. We can curse the darkness
       to the days of the Maccabees and the   was not military but spiritual. Jews   or we can light a light, and as the
       single cruse of oil, Judaism has been   were the people who valued mar-  Chassidim say, a little light drives out
       humanity’s ner tamid, the everlast-  riage, the home, and peace between   much darkness. May we all help light
       ing light that no power on earth can   husband and wife, above the highest   up the world.
       extinguish.                glory on the battlefield. In Judaism,
                                  the light of peace takes precedence
                                  over the light of war.
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