Page 29 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 29

As your family gathers to light the Chanukah candles,       let each night be inspired by the words of Rabbi Sacks

                NIGHT 5                    NIGHT 6                                                NIGHT 8
           Chanukah in              The First Clash                                            The Light

             Our Time                of Civilizations                                        Another Light
                                                                       NIGHT 7
         ack in 1991, I lit Chanukah candles   ne of the key phrases of our time            here’s a fascinating argument in
      Bwith Mikhail Gorbachev, who had,  Ois the clash of civilizations. And   The Third   Tthe Talmud. Can you take one Cha-
       until earlier that year, been President   Chanukah is about one of the first   Miracle  nukah light to light another? Usually,
       of the Soviet Union. For 70 years, the   great clashes of civilization, between   of course, we take an extra light, the
       practice of Judaism had been effec-  the Greeks and Jews of antiquity,   e all know the miracles of Cha-  shamash, and use it to light all the
       tively banned in communist Russia.   Athens and Jerusalem.  Wnukah, the military victory of   candles. But suppose we don’t have
       It was one of the two great assaults                   the Maccabees against the Greeks,   one. Can we light the first candle and
       on our people and faith in the 20th   The ancient Greeks produced one of   and the miracle of the oil that should   then use it to light the others?
                                  the most remarkable civilizations of
       century. The Germans sought to kill   all time: philosophers like Plato and   have lasted one day but stayed burn-  Two great sages of the third century,
       Jews; the Russians tried to kill Juda-                 ing for eight. But there was a third
       ism. Under Stalin the assault became   Aristotle, historians like Herodotus   miracle not many people know about.   Rav and Shmuel, disagreed. Rav said
       brutal. Then in 1967, after Israel’s   and Thucydides, dramatists like Soph-  It took place several centuries later.  no. Shmuel said yes. Normally we
       victory in the Six-Day  War, many   ocles and Aeschylus. They produced            have a rule that when Rav and Shmuel
                                                                                         disagree, the law follows Rav. There
                                  art and architecture of a beauty that
       Soviet Jews sought to leave Russia   has never been surpassed. Yet in the   After the destruction of the Second   are only three exceptions and this is
       and go to Israel. Not only was per-                    Temple, many Rabbis were convinced
       mission refused, but often the Jews   second century before the common   that Chanukah should be abolished.   one.
       concerned lost their jobs and were   era, they were defeated by the group   After all, it celebrated the rededica-  Why did Rav say you may not take one
       imprisoned. Around the world Jews   of Jewish fighters known as the Mac-  tion of the Temple. And the Temple   Chanukah candle to light the others?
                                  cabees, and from then on Greece as a
       campaigned for the prisoners, Refuse-  world power went into rapid decline,   was no more. It had been destroyed
       niks they were called, to be released                  by the Romans under Titus. Without   Because, says the Talmud, you dimin-
       and allowed to leave. Eventually,   while the tiny Jewish people survived   a  Temple, what was there left to   ish the first candle. Inevitably you spill
       Mikhail Gorbachev realized that the   every exile and persecution and are   celebrate?  some of the wax or the oil. And Rav
       whole Soviet system was unworkable.   still alive and well today.  The Talmud tells us that in at least   says: don’t do anything that would
       Communism had brought not free-  What was the difference? The Greeks,   one town, Lod, Chanukah was abol-  diminish the light of the first.
       dom and equality, but repression, a   who did not believe in a single, loving   ished. Yet eventually the other view   But Shmuel disagrees, and the law
       police state, and a new hierarchy of   G-d, gave the world the concept of   prevailed, which is why we celebrate   follows Shmuel. Why?
       power. In the end, it collapsed, and   tragedy. We strive, we struggle, at   Chanukah to this day.
       Jews regained the freedom to practice   times we achieve greatness, but life      The best way of answering that is to
       Judaism and to go to Israel.  has no ultimate purpose. The universe   Why? Because though the Temple   think of two Jews: both religious, both
                                  neither knows nor cares that we are   was destroyed, Jewish hope was   committed, both living Jewish lives.
       That  day in  1991  after  we  had  lit                not destroyed. We may have lost the   One says: I must not get involved with
       candles together, Mr. Gorbachev   here.                building but we still had the story, and   Jews who are less religious than me,
       asked me, through his interpreter,   Ancient Israel gave the world the idea   the memory, and the light. And what   because if I do, my own standards
       what we had just done. I told him   of hope. We are here because G-d cre-  had happened once in the days of   will fall. I’ll keep less. My light will be
       that 22 centuries ago in Israel after   ated us in love, and through love, we   the Maccabees could happen again.   diminished. That’s the view of Rav.
       the public practice of Judaism had   discover the meaning and purpose of   And it was those words, od lo avdah
       been banned, Jews fought for and   life. Tragic cultures eventually disin-  tikvateinu, “our hope is not destroyed,”   The other says no. When I use the
       won their freedom, and these lights   tegrate and die. Lacking any sense of   that became part of the Hatikvah, that   flame of my faith to light a candle in
       were the symbol of that victory. And I   ultimate meaning, they lose the moral   inspired Jews to return to Israel and   someone else’s life, my Jewishness
       continued: 70 years ago Jews suffered   beliefs and habits on which continuity   rebuild their ancient state. So as you   is not diminished. It grows because
       the same loss of freedom in Russia,   depends. They sacrifice happiness for   light the Chanukah candles, remem-  there is now more Jewish light in
       and you have now helped them to   pleasure. They sell the future for the   ber this.  The Jewish people kept   the world. When it comes to spiritual
       regain it. So you have become part   present. They lose the passion and   hope alive, and hope kept the Jewish   goods as opposed to material goods,
       of the Chanukah story. And as the   energy that brought them greatness   people alive. We are the voice of hope   the more I share, the more I have. If I
       interpreter translated those words   in the first place. That’s what hap-  in the conversation of humankind.  share my knowledge, or faith, or love
       into Russian, Mikhail Gorbachev   pened to Ancient Greece.                        with others, I won’t have less; I may
       blushed. The  Chanukah  story  still                                              even have more. That’s the view of
       lives, still inspires, telling not just us   Judaism and its culture of hope sur-  Shmuel, and that is how the law was
       but the world that though tyranny   vived, and the Chanukah lights are the        eventually decided.
       exists, freedom, with G-d’s help, will   symbol of that survival, of Judaism’s    So share your Judaism with others.
       always win the final battle.  refusal to jettison its values for the              Take the flame of your faith and help
                                  glamour and prestige of secular cul-
                                  ture, then or now. A candle of hope                    set other souls on fire.
                                  may seem a small thing, but on it,
                                  the very survival of a civilization may
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