Page 36 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 36


                                                                                        Rabbi Zev Leff

        Beware the Dangers of Jealousy

             osef’s brothers regarded him as   have such long-range effects, we can   the Temple to be spared out of a fear
             the usurper of their roles in the   understand a difficult statement of   there would then be no clear proof
       YJewish nation. So when Ya’akov      the Sages. When Rebbe Yochanan       he had been right. And he suspected
       sent Yosef to report on their wel-   ben Zakkai’s students went to visit   that his own honor – offended by the
       fare, they saw it as an opportunity to   him on his deathbed, he began to   zealots’ refusal to heed his decision –
       defend themselves against this threat.   cry. His students asked him why he   might have influenced his request. If
       They feared he would defame them to   was weeping. He answered that if he   that were true, and as a consequence,
       Ya’akov, and that they would be ban-  were brought before a mortal king   the  Temple was  destroyed, would he
       ished, just as Avraham banished Yish-  who could be appeased or bribed, and   not have merited eternal death?
       mael and Yitzchak banished Esav.     whose decrees extended only as far as
       In their view, Yosef was a rodef, a pur-  the grave, he would wail. How much         It is incumbent
                                            more so now he was soon to face the
       suer who threatened both their phys-  judgment of G-d, Who cannot be  “”
       ical existence and eternal roles as the                                              upon us to learn
       founders  of the  Jewish people. The   appeased or bribed and Whose pun-             the devastating
       brothers were so convinced they were   ishment is eternal.                           effect of jealousy
       justified,  they sat down to eat bread   When  Rebbe  Yochanan  ben  Zakkai
       without any pangs of guilt after sell-
       ing Yosef. Their common meal was in   went out to meet the Roman general   The Talmud tells us that Rebbe
       effect a celebration of their unity and   Vespasian during the siege of Jerusa-  Yochanan ben Zakkai’s suspicions
       harmony now unhindered by Yosef’s    lem, he was allowed to make certain   were unfounded. He was innocent;
       evil designs. Even years later, when   requests. He asked that: (1) the San-  the Temple was destroyed by a Heav-
       they searched their pasts for any sins   hedrin be permitted to continue in   enly decree. Yet we can learn from
       that  could  explain  a  series  of  appar-  Yavne, (2) Rabban Gamliel be spared   Rebbe Yochanan’s concern as to
       ently tragic events, they could not   (and hence the line of the Nesi’im be   the power of subtle traces of honor,
       come up with anything other than     preserved), and (3) a doctor be pro-  desire and jealousy in distorting one’s
       their failure to be more merciful.   vided to heal Rabbi Tzaddok, who had
                                            fasted 40 years to avert the destruc-  decisions.
       Though the brothers felt fully jus-  tion of the Temple.                  It is incumbent upon us to learn the
       tified, the Torah reveals to us that                                      devastating effect of jealousy and
       their misperception concerning Yosef   Before his death, Rebbe Yochanan ben   hatred  from  the  sale  of  Yosef,  even
       was not simply an innocent mistake.   Zakkai was beset with doubts as to   in its subtlest forms and even in the
       Coloring  their judgment was a slight   whether he had acted properly. In his   greatest of people, so we can strive to
       trace of jealousy. The Sages tell us that   rigorous self-scrutiny, another expla-  conduct ourselves in a manner befit-
       jealousy removes a person from the   nation of why he erred came to him.   ting the Jewish people, and may we
       world. This means, in part, it removes   He had opposed the zealots, who led   merit seeing the ultimate reunion of
       one from the world of reality and    the rebellion against Rome. But the   Yosef and his brothers when  Mashi-
       causes one to view people and inci-  zealots had ignored his opinion and   ach ben Yosef will be sent as a harbin-
       dents in a distorted fashion.        forced the issue by burning all of Jeru-  ger of Mashiach ben David.
                                            salem’s food supplies. The destruction
       Since the brothers’ deed was tainted   of the Temple and exile of the Jewish
       by jealousy, both they and future    people was an apparent vindication of
       generations had to suffer the conse-  Rebbe Yochanan ben Zakkai’s stance
       quences. Rabbeinu Yona finds an echo   since the zealots could hardly claim a
       of the hatred of Yosef’s brothers in the   Divine sanction for a policy that failed
       causeless hatred for which the Second   so miserably.
       Temple was destroyed.
                                            On his deathbed, Rebbe Yochanan
       With this understanding of how       ben Zakkai worried that perhaps      Rabbi Zev Leff  serves  as  the  Rav  of
       one imperfection in character can    subconsciously  he had  not asked  for   Moshav Matityahu.

                                                                The only adequate response to the fear and hatred of
     36  |                                                          difference is to honour the dignity of difference.
                                                                                                RABBI SACKS
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