Page 41 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
P. 41


                                                                                   Rabbi Hanoch Teller

           Light in the Darkness

             osef  was  a  prisoner  of  Zion.   invite the inmate for a talk. The pris-  When no one was watching, he
             He fervently wished to leave   oner will be offered coffee, tea, meat   secretly  slipped  a  part  of  a  slice  of
       Ythe Soviet Union and come to        or a visit to a restaurant in civilian   bread or a small piece of potato into
       the Land of Israel, a wish which for   clothing. An officer from the secret   his pocket. Later on, he carefully
       many others resulted in punishment   police might tempt the prisoner with   placed these scraps on a small ledge
       and a prison term from the Soviet    a letter from his family, or by permit-  in his cell and prayed that a guard
       authorities.                         ting a visit from a friend.          would not notice his collection.

       There were hundreds of Prisoners of   To earn these privileges a prisoner   The day before Chanukah, Yosef
       Zion; brave men and  women coura-    merely has to be willing to inform on   could barely contain his excitement.
       geous enough to stand up to a ruth-  a cellmate or confess to a crime he   So far his little gathering had gone
       less regime. Yosef was unusual in that   never committed.                 unnoticed and there was only one
       he not only wished to live in the Land   Yosef would never inform on a cell-  final, critical detail to be arranged.
       of Israel; he tried in the most dra-  mate or confess to a crime he hadn’t   Trying to attract as little atten-
       matic way to carry out that desire.    committed, so he never got any spe-  tion as possible, Yosef purchased
       The day that he attempted to escape   cial privileges. Needless to say, he was   a pack of cigarettes in the prison
       to Israel he was arrested by the infa-  denied all religious articles, as well as   store,  although he didn’t smoke.  He
       mous KGB – the Soviet secret police   permission to perform mitzvot.      knew that packets of cigarettes were
       – and sentenced to death. Due to     But the KGB, for all their terror,   accompanied  by  matches,  and  they
       pressure applied by free countries   intimidation, and frequent punish-   were the crucial missing ingredient
       all  over the world, his sentence was   ments, couldn’t break Yosef’s iron   for his plan.
       eventually commuted to a long and    will to keep G-d’s commandments.     With trembling fingers, Yosef opened
       harsh prison term in the horrible                                         up the box of matches and discovered
       Vladimir Prison in Siberia.          Somehow he managed to observe, in    that there were 37 matches inside –
                                            the most primitive fashion imagin-
       The Vladimir Prison is a chilling    able,  whatever  mitzvot  he  could.  He   exactly the number he needed, with
       factory engaged in destroying man’s   virtually risked his life not to work on   one extra to serve as a shamash, for
       spirit. Inside the prison compound,   Shabbat.  He refused  to  eat  non-ko-  the lights.
       there  is  no  standard  diet  or menu.   sher food and  avoided  chametz on   Late on the first night of Chanukah,
       Prisoners’ rations are selected from   Pesach.                            when everyone was sleeping and no
       18 unnourishing varieties which                                           guards were in sight, Yosef inserted
       vary in the number of calories from   One frigid winter, a single thought   the matches into his slivers of dry
       sub-average to starvation level. Like-  managed  to  warm Yosef’s soul:   bread and slices of potato. These
       wise, the amount of exercise and     the holiday of Chanukah was          scraps were his secret Chanukah
       fresh air allotted to a prisoner can   approaching.                       menorah!
       range from two hours down to none.   Yosef dreamed of how he would be     The matches burned for only a few
       Contact with the outside is limited to   able to observe the mitzvah of light-  seconds, but they provided endless
       several letters a year, but this too can,   ing the candles, a seemingly impossi-  light  and  inspiration  for  Yosef  Men-
       and often is, curtailed. Technically   ble act under the circumstances. Cer-  delevich in the depths of the Vladi-
       a prisoner is allowed two meetings   tainly, the prison authorities would   mir Prison in Siberia.
       a year with his family, but years can   never permit it and would react   Heard from Yacov Mordechai.
       pass without any visits at all.      harshly to the very proposal of such
       The KGB has an elaborate and         a notion. Regardless, Yosef put his
       remarkably pragmatic way of con-     mind to the mission and developed a
       trolling an inmate’s body and even   clever, viable scheme.
       his thoughts. After the initial shock   Every day he saved a little bit from   Rabbi Hanoch Teller, internationally-ac-
       of life at Vladimir has been expe-   his meager rations, even though this   claimed storyteller extraordinaire, is an
       rienced, a KGB representative will   meant subsisting on next to nothing.   award-winning author and producer.

              It’s only the G-d of light who can defeat the darkness in the human soul.                          |  41
              RABBI SACKS
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