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P. 5
Rabbi Danny Mirvis
The Singular Light
of Chanukah
On a straightforward level, one can in the future when the realization
answer that we make a blessing on is clear to all that all the individual
the basic requirement of one light lights are really one light. There-
per household per night, regardless of fore, the Chanukah blessing does
which night of Chanukah it is. Seeing not mention lights (in the plural),
as any additional lights are a hiddur for it focuses its attention towards
(beautification) and not part of the the more exalted distance, towards
core commandment, they are not the more supreme future” (Olat
included in the blessing. Re’iyah Vol.1, page 435).
(This answer is less straightforward, The world has many lofty values and
however, when coming to explain why priorities. Whilst each of these indi-
each member of Ashkenazi house- vidual “lights” has an important role
holds makes a blessing. Unless we to play, they can also become a source
require every member of the house- of conflict as they compete for sig-
hold to actively or passively exclude nificance and superiority. In truth,
themselves from being included in however, “all the individual lights are
the blessings made by others, we may really one light” – from a spiritual
need to assume that one does in fact perspective, all these important values
make a blessing on a hiddur and our
original question remains.) originate from a singular source and
are destined to reunite in harmonious
Rav Kook addressed this question unity. The less we argue and the more
in his commentary on Tefillah, Olat we recognize “the supreme purpose of
Re’iyah. For him, the blessing we life,” the more holiness can be estab-
make on Chanukah is not only about lished in the world.
the technical act being performed at
that moment. It represents the inner Thus on Chanukah, we light numer-
nature of light and the supreme pur- ous separate lights, as indeed there
pose of life: are multiple ways to find light and
share light in this world. While
“Chanukah… depicts all the acknowledging the plurality of lights,
sources of light that need to radiate the ultimate ideal is reflected in our
very night of Chanukah, we light in the Nation: the light of Torah, blessing of peace and unity – “To
numerous lights, ascending in the light of prophecy, the light of kindle the (singular) Chanukah light.”
Enumber each day. Many families wisdom, the light of justice, the
(following the predominant Ashkenazi light of courage, the light of joy, the
custom) do not suffice with one set of light of lovingkindness, the light
of love, etc. However, prior to the
lights, but light several sets, corre- realization of the supreme purpose
sponding to the number of members of life, these many individual lights
of the household. appear to us as if they are separate
With so many lights being lit, why
do we bless in the singular form, However, the distinctions will not
“To kindle the Chanukah light,” as last forever, for as long as there
opposed to the seemingly more are arguments, holiness cannot
be established in the world. The
appropriate blessing, “To kindle the essence of this blessing is the bless- Rabbi Danny Mirvis is the Senior Rabbi of
Chanukah lights”? ing for peace, and it will be fulfilled Mizrachi Melbourne.
Jewish unity is a cause that is not advanced by the advocacy of one point of view over another.
It demands the difficult but not impossible exercise of thinking non-adjectivally as a Jew:
not as a member of this or that group, but as a member of an indivisible people. | 5