Page 8 - HaMizrachi_Hanukkah_AUS_2020_Neat
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                                                                                Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                                Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                         We are All Kohanim

                                 on Chanukah!

             fter lighting Chanukah can-    One could indeed fulfill one’s obliga-  used to fulfill a  mitzvah (which may
             dles, we have the custom of    tion with just one candle, but there is   be used for purposes other than the
       Areciting the passage  תֹורֵּנ ַ ה   hidur, glorification, in lighting mul-  mitzvah itself), our Sages instituted
       ּול ָּ ל ַ ה. According to Masechet Sofrim,    tiple candles. The berachot must also   that the Chanukah candles are like the
       we recite it  after the  beracha  קי ִ ל ְ ד ַ ה ְ ל   involve the additional ‘glorified’ can-  candles of the Menorah and therefore
       ה ָּ כֻנ ֲ ח ל ֶ ׁש רֵנ and  before  םי ִּ סִנ ה ָ ׂש ָ ע ֶ ׁש and   dles; one must not create an interrup-  they have a certain holiness.
       ּונָי ֱ ח ֶ ה ֶ ׁש.                  tion between the blessings and light-
                                            ing them.                            In light of this (excuse the pun), we
       Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach explains                                       could say that by instituting the com-
       that from this passage we see that the pur-  How then does the Maharshal under-  parison between Chanukah lights and
       pose of lighting the candles is “in order   stand this?                   Mikdash lights, our Sages were imply-
       to express thanks and praise,” an inherent                                ing that a person’s home is like the
       part of the purpose of the mitzvah. There-  It is possible that in his opinion,   Mikdash, and that the person lighting
       fore,  after  the  blessing  קי ִ ל ְ ד ַ ה ְ ל,  we  say   although one must not interrupt   them is like the Kohen. As a result, the
       ּול ָּ ל ַ ה תֹורֵּנ ַ ה, so that during the lighting we   between the berachot and the begin-  mitzvah of lighting candles is not like
       know to focus on the miracle of the salva-  ning of the observance of the mitzvah,   any  other  personal  mitzvah  a person
       tion and on the triumph in the war (and   one may stop during the performance   does in his home. It is a shared mitz-
       since this is a fundamental part of per-  of the  mitzvah for things related to   vah  which  belongs  to  all  of  Am  Yis-
       forming the mitzvah, it is not an interrup-  the mitzvah.                 rael, and it is certainly worthy to glo-
       tion between the blessing and performing                                  rify a shared mitzvah!
       the mitzvah).                        Chanukah Candles and
                                            Mikdash Candles                      Now we can understand the Maharshal.
       However, according to the reading of   It could be that the Maharshal’s   The reason for glorifying the mitzvah is
       the Tur, we say  ּול ָּ ל ַ ה ת ֹורֵּנ ַ ה only after   approach  is  connected  to  something   the holiness of the lights and their simi-
       lighting the candles, and thus rules the   deeper.                        larity to the Mikdash, and therefore the
       Shulchan Aruch:                                                           most appropriate thing is to say תֹורֵּנ ַ ה

       “After one lights, one should say: ‘These   The Shulchan Aruch does not men-  ּול ָּ ל ַ ה immediately after the basic light-
       lights we kindle upon the salvations, the   tion the basic level of obligation for   ing and before the additional ‘glorified’
       miracles, the wonders… (ּול ָּ ל ַ ה תֹורֵּנ ַ ה)’”.  lighting  (one  candle  per  household)   lighting, to explain why we are lighting
                                            or  even the  mehadrin  ruling,  but
       The Maharil  explains that since recit-  only the  mehadrin min  hamehadrin   the extra candles.
       ing ּול ָּ ל ַ ה תֹורֵּנ ַ ה is only a custom, it cer-  custom. It turns out that the funda-
       tainly should not be said in between   mental tradition of the whole Jewish
       the brachot, but only after the lighting.   nation has been the  mehadrin min   1   20:4.
                                                                                     Minchat Shlomo, Part 2:54.
                                            hamehadrin  standard, and therefore
       The Approach of the Maharshal        the  Shulchan  Aruch does  not  bring   3   Responsa 145.
                                                                                     Responsa 85.
       Another approach is that of the      the  alternative  customs.  Why  does   5   The Pri Megadim asks this on the
       Maharshal:   after we recite the bless-  everyone keep the  mehadrin min      Maharshal.
       ings, we light the first candle. We then   hamehadrin  standard specifically for   6   See my book, “Chanukah - Halacha Mim-
       recite ּול ָּ ל ַ ה תֹורֵּנ ַ ה while lighting the rest   this mitzvah?       kora,” published this year.
       of the candles.
                                            There is a comparison between the
       This approach seems odd. If there is   Menorah in the Mikdash and Chanu-
       no problem of interruption, we could   kah candles.  One such comparison is
       have said ּול ָּ ל ַ ה תֹורֵּנ ַ ה before lighting the   tied to the holiness of the Chanukah
       first candle, and if there is a problem of   candles and the prohibition of utiliz-
       interruption, it would have been neces-  ing their light. The Rishonim explain   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Rosh HaYeshiva
       sary to wait until after finishing lighting   that despite the fact Chanukah can-  at JCT–Machon Lev and Head of Mizra-
       the candles!                         dles  are  tashmishei  mitzvah,  objects   chi’s Educational Advisory Board.

                                                            What Jews remembered from that victory over the Greeks
      8  |                                           twenty-two centuries ago was not a G-d of war but the G-d of light.
                                                                                                RABBI SACKS
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