Page 39 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'Av AUS 2021
P. 39


                                                                                         Rabbi Zev Leff

                                               A Double


        “The Jewish people sinned doubly, as
        it says, ‘the people of Yerushalayim
        sinned a sin‘ (Eicha 1:8). And they were
        punished doubly, as it says, ‘She has been
        smitten doubly by the hand of G-d for
        all her sins‘ (Yeshayahu 40:2). And they
        will be comforted doubly, as it says, ‘Be
        comforted, be comforted, My nation‘

                  Eicha Rabbah 1:65

           t is difficult to explain this doubling
           of the punishment literally or quan-
           titatively. If the Jews sinned doubly,
       Ithen the punishment commensurate    causes. G-d sought to lead them into rec-  the intense comfort and joy of Shabbat
        to double sin is not double but equal to the   ognizing that the political movements, the   Nachamu, which Rabbi Yehoshua ibn Shuib
        sin, and a comfort for a double punishment   secular ethical philosophies or economic   writes is to be celebrated with the joy of
        is not double but equal to it.      systems and isms they had devised and   a yom tov. Mourning usually requires a
                                            believed in could not bring them the ben-  long transitional period while the sense
        The Navi says, “My nation has done two   efits they had anticipated. And it would be   of bereavement gradually lessens. The
        evils: they have forsaken Me, the Source   from a world that appeared bereft of all   intense mourning of Tisha B’Av leads
        of living water, to dig wells that produced   rhyme and reason that they would now   directly and swiftly into the joy and com-
        no water” (Yirmiyahu 2:13). In addition to   have to seek out G-d’s face in rediscovery.
        the sin itself, a result of desire and emo-                             fort of Shabbat Nachamu. There is no grad-
        tion, of impulse, Am Yisrael also formulated   In the future, G-d will direct world events   ual abatement of the grieving process. This
        philosophies to justify their sins intellec-  to show us clearly that all the things we   is because, as our Sages tell us, “Whoever
        tually and lull them into thinking that the   put our trust into (in place of Him) are   mourns Yerushalayim merits to see its joy.”
        evils they were perpetuating were actually   useless and cannot be relied on. We will   Mourning over Yerushalayim’s desolation
        virtuous. They devised systems of values   come to the realization that we have no   properly – and understanding the dynam-
        foreign to the Torah and put their trust in   one to rely on other than our Father in   ics of what caused the destruction and why
        a multitude of isms that served as the false   Heaven. Ultimately, when we choose G-d,   G-d dealt with us with hester panim – ulti-
        gods to which they dedicated their lives.   He will comfort us once again and thus   mately offers us double comfort.
                                            compensate for the dual nature of our
        In response to this dual sin, G-d punished   punishments. This is the double comfort   Through our mourning, we see and under-
        the Jews in kind. To punish the actual acts   described in the Midrash: to compensate   stand the entire process. This is hinted
        of transgression, He brought calamities   for the calamities and physical suffering,   at in the fact that the Torah reading of
        and tragedies upon them to show them   the joy and serenity of the Messianic era   Tisha B’Av, םי ִנ ָּב די ִלֹות י ִּכ, is from Parashat
        how they were destroying their spiritual   will bring an end to our suffering in pain.   VaEtchanan, which is also always read on
        essence. To address the second aspect of   To compensate for the punishment of   Shabbat Nachamu. We have to once again
        the sin, the fact they had distanced them-  hester panim, He will additionally comfort   learn the parasha of Tisha B’Av, but in a
        selves from G-d by creating philosophies   us by clarifying that all the punishments   different light – a light that brings us com-
        to justify their sins, G-d brought these   we received were His doing and for our   fort and joy.
        calamities in a manner of hester panim, in   ultimate benefit. “Anochi, Anochi; It is I, yes,
        a way that made it appear He had aban-  I, who comforts you” (Yeshayahu 51:12),
        doned them.                         says the verse. The Anochi who reveals
                                            Himself now is now the same Anochi who   Rabbi Zev Leff is the Rav of Moshav
        In this manner, G-d sought to teach the   directed all the prior events.  Matityahu.
        Jews how disastrous the world can be if
        one removes Divine Providence from one’s   This is why we shift immediately from   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
        world perspective and substitutes other   the intense mourning of Tisha B’Av to

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