Page 39 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 39


                                                                                 Rabbi Moshe Berliner

                           Leaving and Leveraging

          mmediately after man’s creation,   Rivka grew up in the house of Lavan.   walk in the ways of G-d, to develop
          the Torah proclaims the funda-    She understood that Esav would never   our potential to bring out the
      Imental rule for a successful mar-    accept Ya’akov’s ownership of  olam   fundamental good that G-d implanted
       riage: ק ַ ב ָ ד ְ ו ֹו ּ מ ִ א ת ֶ א ְ ו וי ִ ב ָ א ת ֶ א  ׁשי ִ א בָז ֲ עַי ן ֵּ כ ל ַ ע   haba. He would fight to control both   in our souls. It is there inside us. Our
       ֹו ּ ת ׁ ְ ש ִ א ְּ ב – “so a man should  leave his   worlds. Had time allowed, the Malbim   responsibility  is to use all we have
       father and his mother and cling to his   explains, Rivka would have spoken   inherited from them in ways that help
       wife.”                               with her husband, but Yitzchak acted   us achieve what is important.
                                            unexpectantly without consulting
       The focus of one’s identity moves    her. He asked Esav to prepare a meal   Rivka, growing up in the house of
       from being the child of one’s parent   for him in order to bless him. Rivka   Lavan, learned about subterfuge.
       to being a person in his own right. He   had no time for discussions. She had   While  deception  is  a  totally
       must “leave” his childhood identity   to act. In this situation, fraught with   unacceptable basis for normative
       and emerge as an independent adult,   danger to the future of  Am Yisrael,   human interactions, in the unique
       ready to join another in the sanctity of   she turned to her experience growing   situation in which Rivka found
       marriage.                            up in the house of Lavan. She knew   herself,  even  subterfuge  became  the
                                            how to act with subterfuge in order   vital vehicle through which G-d’s Will
       This  leaving  is  fundamentally  a                                       was achieved.
       psychological\emotional   process.   to ensure that what was vital would
       There are times however when a       come to fruition. She acted outside   Marriage entails a fundamental
       person must physically leave their   the usual acceptable rules of openness   “leaving” of our parents. This leaving
       family in order to establish their   and understanding to ensure that     has two elements. The first is the need
       own identity. We see for example     G-d’s  Will  would  succeed.  Yitzchak’s   to ground one’s identity in oneself, not
       that  leaving  their  home  before  or   response, when he became aware   in  our  family  of  origin.  The  second
                                            of the subterfuge, showed that he
       after marriage is a repeated motif                                        element which we learn from Rivka is
       of  the  Avot  and  Imahot.  One  might   accepted that Rivka’s actions, carried   that all we inherit from our parents,
                                            out by their son Ya’akov, were correct.
       suggest that Yitzchak too becomes                                         even those negative elements – which
       ready to marry only after undergoing   Rav Kook teaches us that all  middot   must be expressed only in a unique
       the transforming experience of the   are intrinsically good. In addition, all   situation and in the most vigilant way
       Akeida. Through that experience he   experiences, even the most difficult,   – can be used to further G-d’s Will in
       emerges as a new individual with a   contain the potential to enrich us to   the world.
       new independent identity. He is then   serve our desire to fulfill G-d’s will.
       ready to marry Rivka.                Our middot and our experiences serve
                                            as the basis of our actions. We must
       Rivka teaches us an additional       always act carefully, only after deep
       meaning of “leaving” one’s parent’s   consideration of  the consequences
       home. Rivka and Yitzchak disagree    of our behavior. But both our natural
       concerning which of their children   middot, as well as the lessons we have
       should  inherit  the   Abrahamic     learned from our experience growing
       tradition. The Malbim explains that   up in our parents’ home, can be used
       Yitzchak  foresaw  a  future  successful   to enrich our lives and deepen our
       union between Esav representing this   wisdom in the ways we express G-d’s
       world and Ya’akov representing olam   Will.
       haba. His model was Zevulun and                                           Rabbi Moshe Berliner is an author, M.S.W.
                                                                                 and therapist specializing in family and mar-
       Yissachar. Therefore, he felt that Esav   Most  of  us  have  been  blessed  by   riage. His book “To Build and to Bond: Living
       should receive the blessing for success   parents who did all they could   Well in a Jewish Marriage” is published by
       in this world.                       to  enrich  our  lives,  to  teach  us  to   Mizrachi Press.

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