Page 38 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 38


                     The Sabbatical Year

                                                           David Curwin

                   Shemitta                          of complete rest [ןֹות ָּ ב ַ ׁש] for the land”   The sounding of the shofar proclaimed
                                                     (Vayikra 25:2–5).                the advent of the year, and that blast
                          et’s start with the word ה ָטי ִמ ְ ׁש                      gave the name to the year: “Then you
                          itself, which derives from the   The parallel between the weekly Shab-  shall sound the horn; in the seventh
                          root ט ַמ ָ ׁש, meaning “to let drop,   bat and the Shemitta year is clear. For   month, on the tenth day of the month
                   Lleave out.” The Torah uses this   six days we work, and on Shabbat, we   – the Day of Atonement – you shall
                   word to refer to two different mitzvot   rest. The same is true of Shemitta; for   sound the horn throughout your land.
                   that occur during this year.      six years, we work the land and on the   And you shall hallow the 50th year.
                                                     seventh, we let the land lay fallow.
                   One is the cancellation of debts: “Every   The root ת ָּ ב ַ ׁש, “to cease, desist; to rest,”   You shall proclaim release throughout
                   seventh year you shall practice remis-  applies to both mitzvot.   the land for all its inhabitants. It shall
                   sion of debts [ה ָּ ט ִמ ְ ׁש]. This shall be the   The word  shabbaton is either an   be a jubilee [ל ֵבֹוי] for you: each of you
                   nature of the remission: every credi-  adjective referring to Shabbat or,   shall return to his holding and each of
                   tor shall remit [טֹומ ָ ׁש] the due that he   as translated above, an intensifier,   you shall return to his family” (Vayikra
                   claims from his fellow; he shall not   meaning “complete rest.” In English,
                   exact it from his fellow or kinsman,   it is rendered as “sabbatical.” Initially,   In the description of the giving of the
                   for the remission proclaimed is of the   that word meant either “recurring in   Torah, the word Yovel is used for shofar:
                   L-rd” (Devarim 15:1–2).           sevens” or “suitable for the Sabbath.”   “...When the ram’s horn [ל ֵבּי ַה] sounds
                                                     In the 19th century, it took on the   a long blast, they may go up on the
                   It is also used to refer to the command-                           mountain” (Shemot 19:13).
                   ment to let the fields lay fallow every   meaning “a year of paid leave granted
                                                     to professors or researchers,” often the
                   seventh year: “Six years you shall sow   seventh year of work. That sense was   In addition to meaning “ram’s horn,”
                   your land and gather in its yield, but in   borrowed back into modern Hebrew,   Yovel is also used simply for “ram”:
                   the seventh, you shall let it rest [הָּנ ֶט ְמ ְ ׁש ִּ ת]   where  ןֹות ָּ ב ַ ׁש  ת ַנ ְ ׁש more often refers   “Seven priests carrying seven ram’s
                   and lie fallow…” (Shemot 23:10–11).  to the sabbatical year of a university   horns [םי ִל ְבֹוּי ַה ת ֹור ְפ ֹו ׁש] preceding the
                                                                                      Ark” (Yehoshua 6:4).
                   Today, the root is most often used in the   employee than to the Shemitta year.
                   form טי ִמ ְ ׁש ִה – “to omit, skip over.” We   The Hebrew word shabbaton took on a   The English word jubilee derives from
                   also find the reflexive form, ט ֵּ מ ַּ ת ְ ׁש ִה – “to   different meaning in English-speaking   the Greek rendering of the Hebrew
                                                                                      Yovel. But jubilee in English has a dif-
                   shirk, evade one’s obligations” (literally,   countries. It refers to an educational   ferent connotation – “a celebration of
                   to release oneself).              retreat held on Shabbat, often for youth   an anniversary.” This is due to influ-
                                                     movements or synagogue groups. In   ence from a similar-sounding word,
                   Shabbaton                         Israel,  however,  a  day  of  shabbaton   the Latin jubilare – “to shout for joy”
                                                     refers to an official day off of work
                   Other verses in the Torah use a differ-  for a specific occasion, like national   (the source of the English “jubilant.”)
                   ent root when describing the seventh   elections.                  Modern Hebrew has adopted this sense
                   year: ת ָּ ב ַ ׁש.                                                 of the word as well, and today a Yovel
                                                                                      can refer to any significant anniver-
                   “When you enter the land that I assign   Yovel                     sary, not just the 50th.
                   to you, the land shall observe [ה ָת ְב ָ ׁש ְו]   In Biblical time, the nation would mark
                   a sabbath [ת ָּ ב ַ ׁש] of the L-rd. Six years   the  Yovel (jubilee) year after seven
                   you may sow your field… But in the   Shemitta cycles. The Sages debated if
                   seventh year, the land shall have a   Yovel was observed in the 49th or 50th   David Curwin is a writer living in Efrat,
                   sabbath of complete rest [ןֹות ָּ ב ַ ׁש ת ַּ ב ַ ׁש], a   year. In that year, property would   and the author of the Balashon  blog,
                   sabbath of the L-rd… it shall be a year   return to its original owners.

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