Page 41 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 41
As they became more independent of greatest Jewish leaders of the era. Can Preaching doesn’t work very well
their parents, the Zionist idea became you share some memories of those times? with children; the best way to teach
part of their core identity. They would Our fathers idolized Ben-Gurion; there is to educate by example. Our parents
wait each week for Zionist pamphlets were constantly involved in Jewish
to arrive in their shtetl! And also, there were pictures of him all over our organizations like Israel Bonds and
houses. But the truth is, they loved
were girls in the Zionist movement. every Prime Minister of Israel. Mizrachi and their shuls and schools.
That was definitely part of it too! They taught us by doing, and that’s how
In the 1980s and 90s, Israel Bonds our children and we became involved.
After the Shoah, Arie and Sam, like had an annual Elie Wiesel Holocaust
other survivors, understood the impor- Remembrance Award dinner. At the That’s the key to raising children. You
show, you do, you role-model, and then
tance of the State of Israel, much more first dinner, they honored Elie Wiesel
than people who grew up in America himself, and I remember when he you pray!
or in other places where Jews felt came in from Boston and slept over When our fathers spoke about their
safe. They appreciated Israel the way at my parents’ house because my experience in the Holocaust, they never
a person who has been starving for father would not hear of him staying focused on victimhood. It was a story
years appreciates a piece of bread. of survival – Arie would say that G-d
in a hotel. They developed a very close
Sam said many times that they went friendship. saved them, pushing them to the left
to the first Israel Bond appeal in 1953, when everyone who went to the right
and together they bought was killed – and looking for-
a $100 Israel Bond. They ward. Our mother (Frieda)
were so proud and excited died when we were pretty
that they had invested in young, and he taught us
the State of Israel, some- then how to look forward.
thing their parents and Their communal activities,
grandparents couldn’t even supporting Jewish institu-
dream of doing. One of the tions, remembrance and
most significant moments Israel Bonds, are important
in our childhood was when in their legacy. But there
we went to the 10th-anni- is also what they taught
versary celebration of the us about how to live per-
State of Israel at the Polo sonally. They spoke a lot
Grounds. There were 50,000 about the dignity of hard
people there, most of them work, which they learned
Holocaust survivors, and from our grandparents,
everybody was singing who were poor but worked
Hatikva and crying simul- incredibly hard to make a
taneously. That generation understood We once went with our father (Arie) living. They taught us that you cannot
the miracle of Israel in a way that we to Har Herzl, where many of the most only help yourself; you must also help
simply cannot. They witnessed the important leaders in Israeli history are others who have less than you. And
fulfillment of their dreams. We still buried, people like Yitzchak Rabin and they taught us to appreciate the people
have some of that passion, but it’s others. He stopped at each one of their that support us. They really appreci-
often taken for granted with the next graves and talked to them! It was very ated their rescuers who helped them
generation. emotional for him, for a little boy from during the Holocaust and sought to
the shtetl to meet these important lead- help them later on when they were
Arie was close with Dr. Yosef Burg, one
of the founders of the National Reli- ers of the state. able to.
gious Party and served in the Knesset. They believed sincerely in the unity of
He was passionate about Yeshivot How did Sam and Arie’s dedication to the Jewish people. Many people today
Hesder; he loved to talk with soldiers. the thriving of the State of Israel trickle are on the far left or the far right.
He was also one of the founders of down to your generation and your own But they supported Israel, Chassidic
FIDF. The combination of “Religious” children? On Tu BiShvat, we plant seeds. causes, secular Jewish causes – they
and “Zionist” spoke powerfully to them Your parents planted so many seeds, and didn’t think they had to take one side
both. it’s our responsibility to water and nur- or the other. They believed that peace
ture those seeds.
is the most important thing – peace
Over the many decades of their work What’s the key to inspiring the next among family and peace among our
on behalf of Israel, Sam and Arie met generation with a love for and dedica- people. The Jewish people have to stay
and worked together with many of the tion to the Jewish people? together. n
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