Page 46 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 46


                                          The Land that

                             “Eats” its Inhabitants

                                                      Shoshana Judelman

                            s a child, the Seer of Lublin,   many funerals and mistakenly con-  He explains that when we eat food, it
                            Rabbi Ya’akov Yitzchak   cluded the Land was an  ָהי ֶב ׁשֹוי ת ֶל ֶכֹא ץ ֶר ֶא   becomes a part of us. The food itself is
                            Horowitz, used to go into   או ִה, “a land that consumes its inhabi-  transformed and elevated, remade as
                   A the forests to daven. When      tants,” draining them of their life force   cells of our bodies.
                   his father asked him why this was nec-  (Bemidbar 13:32). Rashi explains that   The same is true of Eretz Yisrael and
                   essary, he answered, “I go to find G-d.”   Hashem caused these deaths so that the
                   “But my son,” said his father, “G-d is the   Canaanites would be preoccupied with   the Jewish people. When we describe
                                                                                      Eretz Yisrael as “a land that consumes
                   same everywhere.” “He is,” responded   burying their loved ones and wouldn’t   its inhabitants,” it means that when
                   the boy, “but I am not.”          pay attention to the spies. But instead   we enter Eretz Yisrael, we become one
                   And neither are we.               of appreciating Hashem’s kindness, the   with the land. We are elevated and per-
                                                     spies came to the opposite conclusion,   meated by the essence of Eretz Yisrael
                   The very first thing Hashem ever said   that Hashem had brought His people to   until we are transformed into the same
                   to Avraham Avinu was, “Go forth from   a land that would destroy them.
                   your native land... to the land that I                             holy substance. Yes, living in Eretz Yis-
                                                                                      rael challenges us, but it doesn’t drain
                   will show you.” From this point on,   Although the spies were terribly wrong,
                   every promise Hashem makes to the   their report contained some truth.   us of life; it nourishes us and elevates us
                                                                                      through the most profound connection.
                   forefathers includes the guarantee of   Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai teaches that
                   Eretz Yisrael. In fact, throughout the   Hashem gave the Jewish People three   This connection enables us to cultivate
                   Torah, the goal is clear – Am Yisrael is   gifts: The Land of Israel, the Torah,   a level of faith that we cannot other-
                   destined to be in Eretz Yisrael. As Rabbi   and the World to Come – but that all   wise reach. ה ָנּומ ֱא ה ֵע ְרּו ץ ֶר ֶא ן ָכ ׁש, “dwelling
                   Yehudah HaLevi writes in the Kuzari,   three can only be acquired through   in the land nourishes faith” (Tehillim
                   the Jewish people in the Land of Israel   suffering (Berachot 5a). Anyone who   37:3). Faith gives us the energy and
                   are like a vineyard planted in the per-  has made Aliyah can attest to the truth   courage to keep going. Every minute we
                   fect mountain soil. Grapes can grow in   of this statement. To build a new life in   spend in Eretz Yisrael pushes us beyond
                   many places, but only in certain envi-  Israel, new olim must not only navigate   our previous limits, growing our capac-
                   ronments can they reach their greatest   complicated paperwork and frustrat-  ity for connection and empowering us
                   potential. The same is true of Am Yisrael.   ing bureaucracy but also conquer their   to explore our potential.
                   Only through living in and connecting   fears and anxieties. But this “suffer-  May we find the courage to embrace
                   to Eretz Yisrael can we fully develop   ing” benefits us in the long run, for it is   the challenge of Eretz Yisrael and be
                   our promise.                      human nature only to appreciate what   transformed by the Holy Land!
                                                     we work hard to acquire. If something
                   When Am Yisrael reached the borders   comes too easily, we don’t value it.
                   of the Land for the first time, they sent
                   spies to gather information about the   Is the Land of Israel the ideal place to   Shoshana Judelman teaches Chassidut for
                   Holy Land. Tragically, the spies allowed   reach our potential or the “Land that   Shiviti Women’s Institute in Jerusalem and
      (PHOTO: RABBI ALEX ISRAEL)  their negative report tainted the Jewish   Rebbe Nachman interprets the spies’   guides at Yad Vashem. Shoshana holds a BA in
                                                     eats its inhabitants”?
                                                                                      in the Shirat David Community in Efrat, and
                   their fears to overwhelm them and
                                                                                      History and an MA in Jewish History. She lived
                   people’s view of this Holy Land.
                                                     statement  in  a  startlingly  original
                                                                                      around the world, including in New Jersey,
                                                     way, empowering us to integrate
                   Where did the spies go wrong? They
                                                                                      Western Australia and Pennsylvania before
                                                     these seemingly opposite perceptions.
                   saw the people of Canaan attending
                                                                                      settling in Israel in 2013.

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