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class in high school where suddenly
                                                                                      I had tools that I really knew how to
                                                                                      use – commas, periods, semicolons,
                                                                                      sentences and paragraphs. I knew what
                                                                                      to do with them! So that’s one thing
                                                                                      that made me a writer. But I also read
                                                                                      enormously as a young person; I was
                                                                                      always reading as a boy. Much of my life
                                                                                      has been lived in books – in books that I
                                                                                      read and the books I’ve wanted to write,
                                                                                      many of which I haven’t written yet.

                                                                                      In your biography  of  Rabbi  Yehudah
                                                                                      HaLevi, you didn’t have much to work
                                                                                      with; a few letters, his poetry and the
                                                                                      Kuzari. It’s clear that you invested an
                                                                                      extraordinary amount of time and effort
                                                                                      to carefully read these materials and
                                                                                      create a compelling picture of his life
                                                                                      and personality. What is it that drew you
                                                                                      to Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi? What can we
                                                                                      learn from him today, a millennia after
                                                                                      his death?
                                                                                      Jonathan Rosen, the editor of Next-
                                                                                      book Press’ Jewish Encounter Series,
     Hillel Halkin’s grandfather, Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, at                             approached me about 10 years ago and
     the age of twenty. (PHOTO: COURTESY OF PROFESSOR MEIR                            asked me to write a book for the Jewish
                                                                                      Biographies series they were publish-
                                                                                      ing. He said I should pick my favorite
                   no sense to me, really, and it doesn’t to   to say, “Oh, that’s wonderful, but I don’t   Jew. I didn’t have to think for too long
                   this day. I was going to move to Israel   want to be part of it, I’m happy here,   before I chose Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi.
                   to live as a Jew, or I would stay in Amer-  let the adventure take place without   Although I had read the Kuzari, I didn’t
                   ica and live as an American – it was an   me” – to me, it’s incomprehensible. If   know much about him at that point.
                   existential choice. And when it dawned   you really, really care with every fiber   On the front cover of my first book, Let-
                   on me that I was too much of a Jew   of your being about being Jewish, you   ters to an American Jewish Friend, there
                   not to live a Jewish life, I really had no   would want to be in the place where   is a motto, which is a quote from the
                   choice but to move to Israel.     Judaism and Jewishness are being   Kuzari – a passage I’m sure you know.
                                                     developed in a way unlike anywhere   It’s a passage where the Rabbi and the
                   Most religious Jews living in America and   else in the world.     King of the Kuzars are talking, and the
                   elsewhere in the Diaspora, who spend so                            Rabbi is carrying on about the Jewish
                   much of their lives studying Torah and   Your grandfather founded Religious Zion-  people’s love for the Land of Israel and
                   doing mitzvot, would probably disagree   ist newspapers in Germany, the United   how important Israel is in Judaism. I
                   with your assessment of Diaspora Jewish   States and ultimately in Israel, where his   wish I had been there to see the King’s
                   life. When you say that you couldn’t live   paper, HaTzofeh, became the voice of Miz-  expression, as the King says to the
                   in America as a Jew, what do you mean?  rachi for 70 years. In your own career, you   Rabbi, “Who are you kidding? All of
                                                     have also used the power of the written   you Jews talk about ‘Eretz Yisrael this,
                   The existence of the State of Israel rep-                          Eretz Yisrael that,’ but none of you go to
                   resents not only the greatest hope for   word in support of Zionism. What draws   live there! Almost none of you have ever
                   the Jewish people, but also, short of the   you to writing? What have you sought to   been there and you don’t take the trou-
                   exodus in Egypt, the greatest adven-  accomplish through your writing?  ble to visit it. Who do you think you’re
                   ture the Jewish people have ever been   Well, writing is something I do better   fooling with all this talk of the Land
                   a part of. I don’t question the feelings   than I do anything else. There are a lot   of Israel?” The Rabbi is taken aback;
                   of American Jews; they may feel more   of things I’m not good at, even though   for the first time in the book, the King
                   Jewish than I do. But you have here   I wish I were. But I’ve always had a   has really thrown him. His answer is,
                   in Israel, an airplane flight away, the   knack for writing. In high school we   in Ibn Tibbon’s translation, ך ֶל ֶמ יִנ ַּ ת ְ ׁשֹבּו
                   greatest adventure in history happen-  had a class called ‘shop,’ where they   ר ֶז ֵו ְּ כ, “you have shamed me, O’ King of
                   ing – right now! It’s the ultimate test   taught us mechanical things, like how   Kuzar!” The Rabbi knows that the King
                   of the Jewish people, of what we’re   to use saws and drills. I was terrible at   is right. Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi under-
                   capable of and what we’re not. And so   that. But then I took a creative writing   stood that the Jewish people’s love for

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