Page 49 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 49

There’s been nothing like it in human history. A small and ancient
                  people loses its land and forgets how to speak its language; wanders
                  defenselessly for hundreds, thousands of years throughout the world
                   with its G-d and sacred books; meets with contumely, persecution,
                   violence, dispossession, banishment, mass murder; refuses to give
                  up; refuses to surrender its faith; continues to believe that it will one
                   day be restored to the land it lost; manages in the end, by dint of its
                   own efforts, against all odds, to gather itself from the four corners
                   of the earth and return there; learns again to speak the language of
                   its old books; learns again to bear arms and defend itself; wrests its
                  new-old home from the people that had replaced it; entrenches itself
                   there; builds; fructifies; fortifies; repulses the enemies surrounding
                  it; grows and prospers in the face of all threats. Had it not happened,
                  could it have been imagined? Would anyone have believed it possible?

                      Hillel Halkin, Letters to an American Jewish Friend: A Zionist’s Polemic

         t’s an honor to speak with you today!   mother’s family. This is partly because   to an American Jewish Friend: A Zionist
         Let’s begin with your family history.   it is a family of creative writers and   Polemic, is dedicated to my father, for
         You are a grandson of Rabbi Meir Bar-  partly because I knew them better;   my Zionism comes from him. Ulti-
     IIlan, one of the most critical figures   they all lived near us in New York. I   mately, my parents made their long
      in Mizrachi’s history, and a great-grand-  unfortunately only met my mother’s   planned Aliyah when my father retired.
      son of the Netziv, Rosh Yeshivah of the   father, Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, one time in   Their Aliyah was well thought out in
      famous Volozhin Yeshivah. How did your   my life, when I was a small boy. Also,   advance, unlike mine; my wife and I
      family background influence your own   my father’s family came from White   made a spontaneous decision, very
      life path?                       Russia, which was Chabad territory,   quickly and impulsively, to move to
      It’s something I hardly ever talk about   while my mother’s family, the Netziv   Israel.
      to anyone, for a simple reason: If I tell   and Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan, came from   Although I grew up in a very Zionist
      an observant Jew I descend from Rabbi   Lithuania, which was arch Mitnagdic   home, as I grew older in my high school
      Meir Bar-Ilan, they think, “what hap-  territory. Although there is a bit of both   and college years, I developed a very
      pened to you?” So it’s a yichus I generally   the Mitnagid and the Chassid in me, I   strong American identity as well. I
      keep “undeclared.”               feel closer to the spirit of Chabad than   experienced  great  conflict  between
                                       to Mitnagdic Talmudism.           these two sides of myself. Like many
      But the second thing, and this goes                                American Jews who settle in Israel,
      deeper, is that I have a different kind   What led you to make Aliyah in 1970?  but unlike most American Jews who
      of yichus on my father’s side. My father’s                         haven’t yet made Aliyah, I really felt I
      brother was a well-known poet, Shimon   Both sides of my family were strongly   had to choose one or the other.
      Halkin, and my father’s cousin, Shmuel   Zionist. All the years we were living
      Halkin, was a renowned Yiddish poet.   in New York, my father suffered great   It was always clear to me that if I stayed
      The fact is, I identify more closely with   guilt for not living in Israel. It really   in America, I would not partake at all in
      my father’s family than I do with my   weighed on him. My first book, Letters   Jewish life. Jewish life in America made

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