Page 54 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 54


                                   A Sefer Torah

                    from Plastic Bottles

                                                        Sivan Rahav Meir

                         hlomi Cohen wrote to me                                      welcomed a new Torah scroll to the
                         the following with a photo                                   Ort Ma’alot yeshivah.
                         attached: “For three years my
                  Sson and his classmates have                                        “As a parent of one of the students who
                   been working towards an incredible                                 participated in the project, I feel that all
                   goal. Their yeshivah high school, Ort                              of us learned a lesson about patience,
                   Ma’alot in the Upper Galilee, was lack-                            looking far ahead, and also about the
                   ing a Torah scroll, and the students                               honor that a Torah scroll deserves.
                   decided they were going to do some-                                And in a certain sense, this Torah
                   thing about it. Under the guidance of                              scroll serves as an additional diploma,
                   their mentor, Rabbi Avi Cohen, they                                even greater than the certificate the
                   decided to finance the acquisition of                              students received at their graduation.”
                   a Torah scroll from pocket money and
                   small donations, but mostly from plas-                             1
                                                                                        In Israel, recyclable containers can be returned
                   tic bottle recycling. 1                                            to a store and exchanged for the money that the
                   “The students  collected  thousands                                container is worth.
                   upon thousands of bottles, to the point
                   where all the supermarkets in Ma’alot
                   couldn’t handle the quantity! A special
                   truck from a recycling conglomerate                                Sivan Rahav Meir is a media personality
                   stopped regularly at the home of Rabbi                             and lecturer. She lives in Jerusalem with her
                   Avi in order to load up the vast quan-  contribute tens of thousands of shekels,   husband, Yedidya, and their five children,
                   tities of plastic bottles that had been   it would ruin the project. This was their   and serves as World Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-
                   collected.                        project; they had to earn it.    Residence. She is a primetime anchor on
                                                                                      Channel 2 News, has a column in Israel’s
                   “Although many people offered finan-  “Just before the students graduated and   largest newspaper, Yediot Acharonot, and
                   cial assistance, the students refused   embarked on different paths – some   has a weekly radio show on Galei Tzahal
         A member of   to accept large contributions. They   going to a yeshivah, others to mechi-  (Army Radio). Sivan was included by Forbes
         the Mizrachi   wanted to feel the effort of the proj-  nah (pre-military academy) or regular   magazine in their list of the 50 most
       Speakers Bureau  ect, the process of adding one shekel to   army service – the students, their par-  influential women in Israel, and listed by  another, in the most literal way. They   ents and the residents of Ma’alot and   the Jerusalem Post as one of the 50 most
           speakers  felt that if a wealthy individual would   the surrounding areas emotionally   influential Jews in the world.

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