Page 56 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 56

Realpolitik Should Guide

                      Israeli-Russian Relations

                                                    Professor Efraim Inbar

                            ne of the first foreign lead-  providing Russian forces a naval base in   the Cold War. The Soviet Union became
                            ers Israel’s Prime Minister   Tartus and an air base in Hmeymim. In   the arms supplier for most Arab coun-
                            Naftali Bennett met was the   general, Russia seeks to maintain good   tries and trained their armies, seeking
                   ORussian President Vladimir       relations with all parties in the Middle   influence in the Middle East at the
                   Putin, on October 22, 2021 in Sochi.  East, including Iran and Israel, the   expense  of  Western  powers.  In  the
                                                     Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Turkey,   wake of the 1967 Six Day War, the Soviet
                   Today’s Russia is no longer the super-
                   power that was the Soviet Union. It   and Iraq.                    Union led most Eastern bloc countries
                   is economically weak and dependent   In October 2021, Israel and Russia   into severing diplomatic ties with Israel
                   upon  energy  prices.  But  it  still  is  a   marked the 30th anniversary of the   and moved to consistently vote against
                   very important country. It has a large   resumption of relations between the   Israel in all international institutions.
                   nuclear arsenal, and it does not hesi-  two countries. It is important to recall   After the end of the Cold War, Russia
                   tate to use force in foreign affairs (for   several important historical facts in   reestablished diplomatic relations with
                   example, in occupying Crimea). Its   understanding the relationship. The   Israel and posted an ambassador in Tel
                   energy exports serve as levers of influ-  Jewish people have a moral debt to   Aviv.
                   ence internationally. Moreover, it has   Russia (formerly, the Soviet Union)   Cordial relations followed. Russia
                   a significant presence in the Middle   which  fought  fiercely  against  the   opened its gates for the Jews to leave.
                   East, a region that Russia views as its   Nazis during World War II. The Red   Occasionally, Israel refrained from
                   backyard.                         Army liberated many Jews from Nazi   voting on anti-Russian resolutions at
                                                     death camps. The Soviet Union voted
                   Today,  Russia sells arms to  Egypt,                               international fora. Israel even sold
                   Iran, Turkey, and several other Arab   in favor of the establishment of the   Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) to
                   countries. Egypt has purchased two   State of Israel at the UN in 1947 (it did   Russia. In an unexpected, unprece-
                                                     so  primarily to push Britain out of
                   Russian nuclear power reactors, which                              dented and curious move, Moscow
                   will make Egypt dependent on Russian   the region). It enabled the transfer of   recognized West Jerusalem to be Isra-
                   nuclear fuel for several decades. In   weapons from Czechoslovakia to Israel   el’s capital (April 2017), making Russia
                                                     during Israel’s War of Independence.
                   Syria, the Russian air force is fighting                           the first country in the world to extend
                   to preserve Bashir Assad’s regime,   This sympathetic stance towards Israel   such a recognition to any part of the
                   proving to everyone that Russia does   was replaced by a distinctly pro-Arab   city. In parallel, Russia declared that
                   not abandon its allies – in contrast to   orientation in the 1950s. Israel and   the eastern part of the city should be
                   the US. Assad has rewarded Moscow by   Russia were on opposing sides during   the capital of a Palestinian state.

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