Page 57 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 57
President Putin sees Israel as a solid Israel is the only country in the Middle concerns about Iranian entrenchment Prime Minister
advanced country with impressive mil- East where the Russian language and in Syria. Like Israel, Moscow dislikes a Naf ali Bennett
itary capabilities, willing to use force to culture are vibrant. In addition, over strong Iranian influence in Damascus. speaks with
attain state interests. He also acknowl- 100,000 Israeli citizens live in Russia, This explains why, until now, Russia Russian
edges that Israel is a key US ally in the with 80,000 Israelis living in Moscow. has allowed Israel to strike at Iranian Vladimir Putin in
region and even sees Israel as a poten- The first meeting between Putin and targets in Syria. It is essential for Ben- Sochi, Russia, in
tial tool for influence over the United Naftali Bennett appears to have gone nett that Israel preserves this quiet October 2021.
States. A reflection of this attitude was well. Putin missed the previous Israeli understanding. (PHOTO: EVGENY
a trilateral meeting of national secu- leader, Binyamin Netanyahu, who he
rity advisors from the three countries, had a good working relationship with. At the same time, Israel-Russia under-
held in Israel in June 2019. The three Yet relations between states transcend standings on the Iranian nuclear issue
senior officials discussed regional and personal chemistry. Filling Netanya- should not be expected. Russia sees a
bilateral and trilateral matters, another hu’s big shoes is not easy, but Bennett strong Iran as a useful factor that weak-
sign of Russia’s desire to be considered has likely learned much from working ens the regional status of the US, which
a significant power on par with the US. is Russia’s main rival in the interna-
closely with Netanyahu. tional arena. Although Russia does not
Unlike some of his compatriots, Putin desire a nuclear Iran, it prefers other
has a positive attitude towards Jews, The dialogue with Russia and Putin nations take steps to prevent such a
should use a realpolitik language.
reportedly due to childhood experi- scenario.
ences. Moreover, he regards the 1.5 mil- This is the language that Putin under-
stands well and is comfortable with. An
lion native Russian-speaking Israelis The bilateral relationship between
as a Russian diaspora to be cultivated. attempt to speak in American liberal Russia and Israel is complex and fragile.
clichés is doomed to failure.
Israel is considered the world’s only Jerusalem should have good commu-
part-Russophone country outside of the The central meeting of Israeli and Rus- nication channels with Moscow in the
former Soviet states. The Russian lan- sian interests is in Syria. Moscow wants Hobbesian world we live in.
guage is the third-most widely spoken to maintain the Assad regime because
first language in Israel after Hebrew it needs bases on the Mediterranean
and Arabic; Israel has the third-largest shore. Russia understands that Israel
number of Russian speakers outside has the power to rock the boat and Professor Efraim Inbar is President of the
of the post-Soviet states and the high- undermine Assad’s rule. So Russia has Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security
est proportion of the total population. good reason to be sensitive to Israel’s (JISS).
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