Page 59 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 59

shoulder, and her mouth said, “Sure   When you immigrate in your 30s, you
                                        you do,” while her pitying glance said,   are unlikely to ever thoroughly blend.
                                        “poor, poor, Balki…”             You will forever be a hybrid, a half-
                                                                         blood. At best, you will be a (whimsi-
                                        In the opening song from In the Heights,   cal) centaur with qualities from both
                                        there is a line that says, “In the Heights,
                                        I hang my flag up on display; it reminds   worlds. At worst, you will be a mid-
                                        me that I came from miles away.” I love   dle-aged, arhythmic American lady
                                        that line, even though it is the opposite   who is trying too hard to impress her
                                        of my experience. I don’t need to fly the   coworkers and her traitorous friends.
                                        American flag to remember where I   And sometimes, you will be just a girl,
                                        came from. I am reminded every time   standing before the Israeli cheese
                                        I open my mouth.                 counter boy, trying to buy shredded
                                                                         instead of sliced.
                                        And while I am fiercely proud of my
                                        origins and journey, I still often find   So wrap that scarf, hang your flag,
                                        myself wishing I could pass for a local.   and crank up the music. Speak your
                                        I am aware that as soon as I start a   accented truth. Dance out of sync to
                                        conversation with an Israeli, they will   your own drum. Remember – it was
                                        immediately know that I am not from   Balki Bartokomous who gave us the
                                        here, that I am simply another Ameri-  Dance of Joy! You are an immigrant.
                                        can who will say the wrong words and   You are full of whimsy. And cheese. In
                                        bruise their ears with my accent. My   every language and culture, that means
                                        only chance to control the narrative is   you are winning.
                                        the five seconds before the conversa-    Headscarf illustrations are from  Atur
                                        tion, which is why the scarf has taken   Mitzchech (Sifriyat Beit El), and are used
                                        on such importance. In those seconds,   here with permission of the publisher.
                                        I need my scarf to say all the things
                                        that I cannot – that I am a proud Israeli
                                        woman, that I am whimsical and fas-
                                        cinating, and that I am not at all about   Kally Rubin Kislowicz made Aliyah from
                                        to mess up my cheese order.      Cleveland, Ohio, to Efrat in 2016.

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