Page 60 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 60


                                                            Shivat HaMinim


                                                                         Naomi Nachman

                                                                 appy birthday to the   each of them can be found throughout
                                                                 trees! The 15th of   Tanach.
                                                                 Shevat is the Rosh
                                                       HHashanah (beginning           I love planting fruits and vegetables
                                                        of the year) for the trees. Grow-  with my own children each spring,
                                                         ing up in Australia, where   which highlights the interconnection
                                                         January is summertime,                  of nature,  Tanach  and
                                                          I fondly remember                      halachah.
                                                          planting trees with
                                                          my Tanach class on
                                                           Tu BiShvat.                             Naomi Nachman started
                                                                                                    her own kosher personal
                                                            Several years                           chef business, The Aussie
                                                            ago, while on                           Gourmet. She is sought
                                                            a visit to Israel                      after to give cooking
                                                             during Tu BiSh-                      demonstrations  and
                                                             vat, I created this                 produce kosher  Chopped
                                                              festive Tu BiShvat              competitions, where she shares
                                                              salad using all of the Shivat   her immense enthusiasm for food.
                                                              HaMinim (seven species of
                                                               Israel). These ancient
                                                               agricultural products –
                                                                wheat, barley, grapes,
                                                                figs, pomegranates,
                                                               olives and dates – are all
                                                      still grown in Israel. References to

                   Shivat HaMinim                    Dressing                         Toss ½ cup cooked barley with flour. Add to
                                                                                      hot oil; fry for a few minutes, until golden
                   Salad                             ¼ cup olive oil                  and crispy. Set aside.
                   Pareve                            2 tablespoons silan              Prepare the dressing: Place all dressing

                   Ingredients (yields 8 servings)   Juice of 2 limes                 ingredients into a small bowl. Whisk until
                   ⅔ cup barley                      ½ teaspoon whole grain mustard
                                                                                      Assemble salad: Place greens, grapes,
                   Oil, for deep frying              1 teaspoon kosher salt           pomegranate seeds, figs, remaining cooked
                   1 tablespoon flour                ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper  barley into a large bowl. Pour dressing over;
                                                                                      toss to combine. Garnish with fried barley.
                   5 cups arugula or spinach
                   1 cup green grapes, halved        Cook barley according to package direc-
                   ½ cup pomegranate seeds           tions. Set aside to cool.          Recipe by Naomi Nachman from Perfect
                                                                                      Flavors, shared with permission by Artscroll/
                   8 dried figs, quartered           Heat oil in a small pot over medium heat.   Mesorah Publications.

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