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P. 18

Yom HaAtzmaut –

                                        75 Years

                               The Third Generation

                                          Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel

               ransitioning from Yom HaZikaron   watched as the Jewish people were slaves   warning: “venoshantem baAretz,” “when you
               to Yom HaAtzmaut is like fold-  in Auschwitz, only to witness their libera-  grow old in the Land.”
               ing all of Jewish history into one   tion and resurrection in the Land of Israel.
        Tframe in time. From our incep-     From slavery to redemption, the Jewish   These words would soon come true. After
                                                                                Yehoshua died, we learn: “A new genera-
        tion as a people, we were forged into being   people were saved and the oppressors
        through pain, suffering and tyranny. The   defeated. In the time of Moshe they sang   tion arose after them that did not know
        first Jewish shtetl we made for ourselves in   shirat haYam, the Song at the Sea. In 1948,   Hashem, nor the deeds that He had per-
                                                                                formed for Israel” (Shoftim 2:10). With
        Goshen became the first Jewish ghetto of   we were singing Hatikvah in Tel Aviv.
        slaves in ancient Egypt. That was the dark                              the passing of the last of the children
                                                                                who survived the holocaust of Egypt and
        womb that gave birth to the Jewish people.   But the Exodus has another deep message
                                            for us as we celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut. It   later entered the Land, the next generation
        Every day we remember, “zeicher liytziat   took three days of freedom from Egypt   forgot, became corrupt, lost their vision,
        mitzrayim,” “To remember our exodus   until we started to doubt. We doubted our-  veered from the path, and the fall began.
        from Egypt.” Every day is a kind of Yom   selves and doubted our victory. “Is Hashem   Years later, when Israel finally anointed
        HaZikaron, for everyday we remember the   among us, or not?” (Shemot 17:7).  kings – Shaul, David and Shlomo – it was
        struggle and sacrifice it took to achieve
        our freedom.                        Chazal say that those three days repre-  after the third generation that the fall
                                                                                began and the nation split apart. During
        Each year at the Seder, we struggle val-  sent three generations. After liberation,   the second Temple era, it took three gener-
        iantly to see ourselves as though we   freedom and independence, we must be   ations – Matityahu the Kohen Gadol, Judah
        came out of Egypt. It’s hard to truly feel   wary of what can happen after the third   the Maccabee and Shimon – for the Has-
        the pain of suffering we never knew. But   generation.                  monean dynasty to start to decay. When
        everyone in Israel knows the pain of Yom   Before we entered the Land of Israel,   the living miracle of Chanukah became
        HaZikaron.                          Moshe repeated the warning once again.   mere “history” to be commemorated, the

        We all know the story of Exodus, and the   “For when you will have children and   fall began.
        truth of “ma’asei avot siman labanim” – that   your children will have children and   This year we are celebrating 75 years
        somehow, the stories of our past are tem-  you will have been long in the Land, you   of our freedom and independence. We
        plates for what future generations will   will become corrupt…” (Devarim 4:25).   are modern Israel’s third generation. In
        experience. Indeed, that is what we have   The third generation, and all “third gen-  our lifetimes, the child survivors of the
        seen in the modern era. The whole world   erations” to come, are given an eternal   Holocaust will be gathered unto their

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