Page 21 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 21

progress. Nonetheless, the unanticipated renaissance of Torah
        evokes Yechezkel’s vision (36:26) of the returnees to Israel being
        implanted with a “new heart… and a new spirit.” It is a Torah
        revolution that is only gaining strength and adherents.
        The sixth knock is the Start-Up Nation, Israel as an economic
        and technological powerhouse that benefits the world with
        our creativity and drive. This too was unexpected, though
        prophesied. There is no surer sign of redemption that when
        Israel will yield its produce again (Sanhedrin 98a) and
        Rav Kook foresaw that a reborn Israel would expand and
        innovate in all worldly matters (Orot HaTorah 9:5). Israel
        is a world leader in high-tech, all so that the Torah can be
        brought to full expression in the modern world.
        The voice of my Beloved “knocks” – in present tense! There
        are certainly additional manifestations of G-d’s Providential
        Hand knocking on our doors. The questions are: do we hear
        it? And how do we respond?
        Happy Yom HaAtzmaut!

                        Rabbi Steven Pruzansky
              is Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun of
             Teaneck, NJ, and lives in Israel where he serves as Israel
             Region Vice-President of the Coalition for Jewish Values.
                He is a member of Mizrachi’s Speakers Bureau.

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