Page 27 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 27

A Mishkan abandoned                 Can you imagine? The Mishkan stood in   for a warm welcome and a bowl
                                            Shiloh, at the center of Israel. Hundreds of   of hot soup at Micha’s house of
        Elkana’s greatness can only be understood   thousands of Jews lived only a short dis-  idolatry. And so the elders and
        against the backdrop of his generation. He   tance from the very building that Moshe   rabbis of the generation gave up
        and Chana lived at the very end of the era   and Betzalel built with their own hands   on their people and came to terms
        of the shoftim, when the elderly Eli served   in the wilderness – and almost nobody   with their lowliness. Only Elkana,
        as both the high priest and the last of the   went to see it! Imagine living only a few   “unique in his generation,”
        judges. Although the Mishkan still stood in   miles from the aron haBrit, G-d’s Ark of the   refused to despise his people.
        Shiloh, the corrupt men who held sway   Covenant, and choosing instead to enjoy a   “And this man went up out of his
        there – Chofni and Pinchas, the sons of Eli   good meal at Micha’s “house of god!”  city from year to year to worship
        – abused their status and took advantage   What would become of such a lowly   and to sacrifice to Hashem the
        of the people who came to worship and   generation?                     L-rd of hosts in Shiloh” (Shmuel
        bring sacrifices to G-d.                                                I 1:3). Malbim writes that Elkana

        As the experience of visiting the Mishkan   Do not despise your people  was the only man from his entire
        grew increasingly unpleasant, a compet-                                 city to go up to Shiloh. But as the
        ing religious institution was established   “Do not despise your mother when she   midrash explains, Elkana refused
        close by. With silver from his mother,   is old,” “ך ֶּ מ ִא  ה ָנ ְק ָז-י ִּ כ  זּוב ָּ ת-ל ַא ְו” (Mishlei   to accept the status quo:
        Micha forged an idol and set up a “beit   23:22). Making a play on the word “ך ֶּ מ ִא,”   “Elkana used to go up to Shiloh…
        elohim,” a “house of god” in his home, with   Rabbi Zeira taught: “If your nation (ך ְת ָּ מ ֻא)   His wives and sons, the members
        his very own ephod, teraphim and a Levite   has grown old [do not despise them, but   of his household… came up with
        to serve as the priest. In sharp contrast   rather] stand up and support them as   him. On the way he would camp
        to the bad behavior of the priests in the   Elkana did, for he would guide the people   out in town squares… Wherever
        Mishkan, Micha’s “house of god” was warm   of Israel [to the Mishkan] for the pilgrimage   they went, people would notice
        and welcoming, offering hearty meals to   festivals” (Yerushalmi Berachot 68a).  them and ask, ‘Where are you
        travelers. Unsurprisingly, fewer and fewer   A nation “grown old” is a nation that has   going?’ ‘To the house of G-d in
        people went up to the Mishkan, choosing   lost its way and forgotten its purpose.   Shiloh,’ [Elkana would reply].
        instead to worship at Micha’s house, only   Elkana’s generation was spiritually tired   ‘Why don’t you come with us
        a few miles away (Sanhedrin 103b).  and cynical, willing to trade G-d’s house   and we shall go up together?’

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