Page 31 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 31

catastrophe are flashing red. And don’t   overcome all of these threats. On the   thrive – not  only in the eighth decade,
        under any circumstances count on the   other hand, the tsunami of hatred and   but also in all the decades to come, for
        possibility of a fourth chance.     factionalism may cause the vision of the   eternity.
                                            Third Temple to collapse from within, in
        Small comfort can be found in the fact                                   This essay was originally published in
        that other nations have also experi-  the spirit of Bourguiba’s twisted vision.  Hebrew in Matzav HaRuach.
        enced the “curse of the eighth decade”   Against the backdrop of this devastating
        in a very painful way. The bloody Amer-  threat, right and left, Charedim and Arabs,
        ican Civil War broke out 85 years after   veterans and new immigrants, anti-Zion-
        the adoption of the Constitution (oh,   ists and post-Zionists, the religious and
        what luck – it happened to them in the   unbelievers, Mizrachim and Ashkenazim,
        ninth decade!). Italy became fascist and   citizens of the ‘state of Tel Aviv’ and citi-
        Germany became a Nazi terrorist state   zens of the rest of the country must learn
        in the eighth decade after each nation’s   to forgo, compromise and come together   Menachem Rahat
        unification. The Third Republic of France,   in peace under the same umbrella. Only   was the political reporter for Ma’ariv, and
        founded in 1871, surrendered to the Nazi   by following this path can we peacefully  now writes as an independent journalist
        boot in 1940, in its eighth decade, while                                for a variety of online and print platforms.
        the communist monster that was born in
        the October Revolution of 1917 began to
        disintegrate in the 1980s and was finally
        shattered into pieces 74 years after its
        founding in 1991.
        What is the spell that brings crisis and
        breaks up kingdoms in a nation’s eighth
        Historians point to several factors,
        whose cumulative impact can lead to
        a crisis. One explanation posits that
        a nation’s eighth decade ushers in
        the era of its third generation.
        While the first and second gen-
        erations are acutely aware of
        the great responsibility placed
        upon their shoulders and are
        prepared to sacrifice and make
        major concessions for the good
        of the nation (“Anything but a
        civil war!”, as Menachem Begin
        said after the Altalena attack),
        the members of the third gen-
        eration take the existence of the
        nation for granted and focus on
        their faction’s narrow agenda.
        This is exactly what is happening
        today. The existence of the State is
        self-evident, even if there are serious
        threats from the outside: murder-
        ous Palestinian terrorism,
        Hezbollah missiles, Iranian
        nukes, and the like.
        With Hashem’s
        we will

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