Page 15 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 15


       She is a lonely and hopeful woman, and   of the hall and declared, ‘Wait, isn’t it   Current Israeli politics has not been a
       she knows that ‘in every expectation,   something about Moshe Rabbeinu?’   big source of festive celebration. Most
       there is the sadness of Nevo.’ This is one   I remember another meeting, at a school   of the time we are either before or after
       of the most beautiful lines of poetry in   in one of the kibbutzim in Emek Yizrael.   elections. Four election campaigns in
       the world, for all generations.       We read Rachel’s poem ‘Barren.’ It begins   two years is a big challenge. Our son
       I told my students that if I would be a   with ‘A son, I had’ and continues with ‘I   once asked, “Ima, I know we’re the only
       Nobel Prize judge for poetry, I would   will still bear my indignation like Mother   democracy in the Middle East, but aren’t
       give two prizes to two lines in this won-  Rachel, I will still pray like Chana at   we exaggerating with this democracy
       derful, troubled poem. The poem ends   Shilo.’ They had heard about Mother   thing?”
       with a line engraved on the author’s   Rachel, but not one of them knew who   Indeed, Tu BiShvat this year is perhaps
       tombstone by the Kinneret: ‘Each man   Chana at Shiloh was, the woman whose   a day of cheshbon nefesh – introspec-
       and his Nevo, upon the great land,’ mean-  prayer for fruit of the womb is one of   tion – about the state of Israeli politics.
       ing, each person and his unachievable.   the most wondrous reflections of a tor-  How can it be that the Jewish nation has
                                             mented soul in all of world literature.
       I once recited this poem by heart to my                                    returned to its Land, built a magnificent
       students, and I felt they weren’t with   I thought they should know that.   country, Arab countries are standing in
       me. I personally feel chills every time I   At the end of the meeting, the Princi-  line to sign peace deals with us, and
       read it, but they didn’t understand at all   pal said to me: ‘Why did you come? To   yet we have failed to create any sort of
       what it was about, so they couldn’t be   embarrass and offend them?’ ‘No,’ I said.   political stability? How can we succeed
       moved by it. I call this the ‘associative   ‘I didn’t come for that, but to show them   and fail at the same time? How is it that
       disconnect.’ Our Hebrew has been accu-  the danger of detachment. As heirs of   during a pandemic of these proportions
       mulated from all the generations of Jews,   a rich, multi-generational culture, they   we have not learned to unite?
       Tanach and Midrash, liturgy and prayer.   need to be aware of that. They need to   This is not a column of political analy-

       This kind of disconnect is a very dan-  know what they don’t’.”            sis, but it is a platform to request your
       gerous thing.                                                              prayers. We invite you to add stability

       At that point, I placed the book in my    Tu BiShvat is also the birthday of   and unity in Israel to your prayers. And
       bag, looked at the clock and told my stu-  the Israeli Knesset. In 1949, after   may we all live to see the fruits of our
       dents, ‘It was nice to meet you. Today  4the first elections, the first Knesset   efforts!
       at 11:15, in this school, Hebrew poetry   of the State of Israel began to serve the   Happy Tu BiShvat!
       died.’                                country. In a festive ceremony on Febru-
                                             ary 14 , 1949, the first ceremonial ses-
       They were silent.
                                             sion opened, and Dr. Chaim Weizman,   Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are pop-
       The prolonged silence was finally broken   then interim President, conducted the   ular Israeli media personalities and World
       by a student who stood up at the end   event with emotion.                 Mizrachi’s Scholars-in-Residence.

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