Page 10 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 10


                                            Rabbi Yosef Zvi and Rabbanit Sharon Rimon


                                                                                  afterward go out to greet him.” (Nuscha
                                                                                  Bet, chapter 31)
                                                                                  A man stands with a sapling in his hand,
            the Land                                                              and suddenly he is told that Mashiach is
                                                                                  coming. Every one of us would say, “drop
                                                                                  the sapling and go greet Mashiach.” But
                                                                                  Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai says that one
                                                                                  must first plant the sapling and only then
                                                  u BiShvat is the New Year for   go and greet Mashiach.
                                                  Trees (Mishnah Rosh Hashanah    To understand the Midrash, let us read
                                           T1:1,  according  to  Beit  Hillel).   from the prophecy of Amos (9:13-15):
                                            Halachically, Tu BiShvat is a time that
                                            affects all the laws regarding orla, teruma    ך ֵ רֹד ְ ו ר ֵ צֹ ּ ק ַּ ב  ׁש ֵ ר ֹוח  ׁש ַּגִנ ְ ו ‘ה ם ֻ אְנ םי ִ א ָּ ב םי ִ מָי הֵּנ ִ ה
                                            and  ma’aser, bikkurim  and  shemitta.    ל ָ כ ְ ו  סי ִ ס ָ ע  םי ִ ר ָ ה ֶ ה  ּופי ִּ ט ִ ה ְ ו  ע ַ ר ָּז ַ ה  ך ֵ ׁשֹמ ְּ ב  םי ִ בָנ ֲ ע
                                            The Kabbalists instituted eating fruits,    ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי י ִּ מ ַ ע תּוב ְ ׁש ת ֶ א י ִּ ת ְ ב ַ ׁש ְ ו .הָנ ְ ג ַ גֹומ ְ ת ִּ ת תֹוע ָ ב ְּג ַ ה
                                            specifically the fruits of Israel, on this    ת ֶ א ּות ָ ׁש ְ ו םי ִ מ ָ ר ְ כ ּוע ְ טָנ ְ ו ּוב ָ ׁשָי ְ ו תֹו ּ מ ַ ׁשְנ םי ִ ר ָ ע ּונ ָ בּו
                                            day. On Tu BiShvat in 5750 (1890), Ze’ev    ל ַ ע םי ִּ ת ְ ע ַ טְנּו .ם ֶ הי ִ ר ְּ פ ת ֶ א ּול ְ כ ָ א ְ ו ת ֹוּנ ַ ג ּוׂש ָ ע ְ ו םָניֵי
                                            Yavetz (a teacher and historian, and a    י ִּ ת ַ תָנ ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א ם ָ ת ָ מ ְ ד ַ א ל ַ ע ֵ מ דֹוע ּו ׁש ְ תָּנִי אלֹ ְ ו ם ָ ת ָ מ ְ ד ַ א
                                            member of the First Aliyah), went with                    .ךי ֶ הלֹ־ ֱ א ‘ה ר ַ מ ָ א ם ֶ ה ָ ל
                                            his students to plant trees on Tu BiShvat.   “A time is coming – declares the L-rd –
                                            Thus began the Israeli custom of plant-  when the plowman shall meet the reaper,
                                            ing trees on Tu BiShvat. Of course there   and the treader of grapes him who holds
                                             is no obligation or halachic custom of   the [bag of] seed; when the mountains
                                                 planting, but it’s a beautiful act in   shall drip wine and all the hills shall wave
                                                   itself, and appropriate for deep-  [with grain]. I will restore My people
                                                     ening our roots and strength-  Israel. They shall rebuild ruined cities
                                                       ening the Land of Israel on   and inhabit them; they shall plant vine-
                                                        Tu BiShvat.               yards and drink their wine. They shall till
                                                                                  gardens and eat their fruits. And I will
                                                            Planting and the      plant them upon their soil, nevermore
                                                            Redemption            will they be uprooted from their Land
                                                           There is a surpris-    which I have given them – said the L-rd
                                                           ing Midrash in Avot    your G-d.”
                                                             DeRabbi Natan:       Amos describes the blessing of the yovel

                                                             “Rabban Yochanan     in the Land as part of the process of
                                                            ben Zakkai received   redemption. Beyond this, he compares
                                                          from Hillel and Sham-   Am Yisrael’s return to its Land to plant-
                                                         mai. He would say… if a   ing: “and I will plant them upon their
                                                        sapling was in your hand,   soil.” This comparison highlights Am Yis-
                                                      and you were told, ‘Behold,   rael’s strong foundations in Eretz Yisrael,
                                                     Mashiach is coming!’ – go    so much so that “nevermore will they be
                                                     and plant the sapling, and   uprooted from their Land.”

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