Page 9 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
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Rabbi Reuven Taragin Rabbanit Shani Taragin
Tu BiShvat and 2020 Hindsight:
Moonfulness and Mindfulness
wenty-twenty (20/20) clear vision, days of miraculous light! Beit Shammai’s Hashem Yom Yom” – every action, every
knowledge and understanding, position is predicated on the potential day, should be meaningful in the present!
Tis colloquially reserved for those miracle of the oil, and therefore as each If you find a delicacy on Wednesday, then
who reflect upon events in hindsight, day progresses, the power of potential bless Hashem and eat it on Wednesday,
for only then may we appreciate lessons wanes. According to Beit Hillel, we cel- appreciating the goodness manifest daily.
learned. ebrate the miracle manifest each day, Our Sages have taught us to adopt the
As man is compared to a “tree in the augmented as the days progress. halachic teachings of Beit Hillel’s mind-
field” (Devarim 20:19), Tu BiShvat 5781 is Similarly, Rav Shlomo Zevin (LeOr fulness while appreciating Beit Sham-
a most opportune time for us to be more HaHalacha, pp. 395–455) explains mai’s perspective of future-minded-po-
mindful of our growth over the past few another dispute between the schools of tential. Tu BiShvat is a time to be mindful
months and anticipate imminent blos- Hillel and Shammai relating to the fire/ of the present, the beautiful moonlight
soming for the future. light of Havdalah (Berachot 51b). Beit manifest in so many aspects of our lives.
Chazal teach us powerful messages of Shammai teaches that one should recite It clarifies our vision and outlook and
reflection through the debate between the beracha of ׁש ֵ א ָ ה רֹוא ְ מ א ָ ר ָּ ב ֶ ׁש (past tense helps us acknowledge the many blessings
Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai regarding and singular) vs. Beit Hillel who maintain amidst the challenges of the past months.
the date of the New Year for Trees in ׁ ש ֵ א ָ ה י ֵ רֹוא ְ מ א ֵ רֹו ּ ב (present tense and plural). As we celebrate the new trees in nature,
Shevat (Rosh HaShanah 1:1). Beit Sham- Beit Shammai blesses for the potential of planting afresh, and as we move to a post-
mai maintains that this new year is just fire created through one source during Covid reality (speedily in our days), we
like the other three roshei shana – all of the six days of Creation, whereas Beit recognize that the past few months have
which begin on the first of the month. Hillel blesses for the overt manifestations helped us see “the extraordinary in the
Beit Hillel states that the New Year for of light provided by the many hues of fire ordinary... the present. Being mindful of
Trees should be celebrated on the 15th observed in the present. nature can be viewed as a holy activity
of Shevat, just as we commemorate the Now we may appreciate the moon/light in itself. It can be a way to connect to
agriculturally and historically oriented debate between Beit Shammai and Beit the Divine.” 2
holidays of Pesach and Sukkot on the Hillel regarding the celebration of Tu May the “moonfulness” on Tu BiShvat
15th of their respective months of Nissan BiShvat. Beit Shammai maintains that we
and Tishrei. celebrate at the time of the New Moon – provide us with 20/20 hindsight to be
more mindful and appreciative of the
This debate may be understood through awaiting the potential process for waxing, daily miracles of health and nature.
another well-known machloket between growth and blossoming. Beit Hillel states
the Schools of Hillel and Shammai that the new year should be celebrated “Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the
regarding the number of candles lit on the 15th of the month, at the time of future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s
each day of Chanukah. Beit Shammai the Full Moon. We should be mindful of called the present.” (Bill Keane). May we
maintains that we light eight candles on the light fully manifest (as for Chanukah be zocheh to celebrate our G-d-given
the first night and descend in number and Havdalah)! present.
each subsequent day, whereas Beit Hillel Beit Shammai focuses on the potential
teaches to light one candle on the first for the future – future miracles, future 1 Rosh Hashanah 14a: most of the rains have
night and ascend to eight candles by the fire, future moonlight, just as he lives come and now the fruit may blossom.
final night (Shabbat 21b). every day of the week for the upcoming 2 Dr. Jonathan Feiner, Mindfulness: A Jewish
Approach, p. 100.
Rav Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk (Beit Shabbat, putting aside every delicacy in
Yosef, Tur, OC 670)explains that already anticipation of the highlight of the week Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
on the first day of lighting, the oil con- (Beitza 16a). Beit Hillel teaches us to Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
tained the potential for the ensuing seven focus more on the moment – “Baruch Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators' Program.
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