Page 8 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 8


                                                                                 Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                      Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                         The Deeper Meaning

                              of Planting Trees

             hazal teach us that tree planting   that describe human motivation – ק ֶ ׁש ֵ ח   behalf of their people’s future. We finish
             is how we best imitate and draw   (desire) and ץ ֶ פ ֵ ח (will).  The interest to   planting before greeting Mashiach
      Cclose to G-d (Vayikra Rabbah          plant may initially be motivated by the   because the belief expressed by planting
       25:3, Tanchuma Kedoshim 8). Just as   desire to eat. That emotion needs to be   trees is part of what brings him.
       Hashem planted trees when He created   channeled and elevated to a higher form   Knowing the temporary nature of their
       the world, we too are commanded to    – the will to create and contribute.  presence in each place, Jews in exile
       do so upon entering Eretz Yisrael. This   In emphasizing the importance of tree   lacked the motivation to invest in trees
       idea was expressed by the emphasis early   planting, Avot DeRebbi Natan (Nuscha   and other infrastructure. When we enter
       Zionists placed on tree planting in gen-  Bet, 31) asserts that one who hears of   Eretz Yisrael, we need to realize we are
       eral and specifically on Tu BiShvat. Why   Mashiach’s arrival while planting should   now home – in a place that is our own
       is planting trees so important?       first finish planting and only then greet   and one that im yirtzeh Hashem our
       It is easy for man to take advantage of   Mashiach.                        descendants will continue living in. We
       the world available for his use without   The association of planting with   express this appreciation by planting
       feeling responsible to contribute towards   redemption appears in Masechet Ta’anit   trees.
       developing it. When the Torah tells us   as well. The Gemara tells of Choni   Rav Kook saw this story as a model
       of Hashem’s placement of Adam in Gan   HaMeagel’s question about the famous   for the ideal form of tree planting and
       Eden, it tells us he was placed there to   pasuk that describes our redemption –   for what Tu BiShvat symbolizes: “The
       work and protect it (Bereishit 2:15).   םי ִ מ ְ לח ְּ כ ּוניִי ָ ה ןֹוּי ִ צ ת ַ בי ׁ ִ ש־ת ֶ א ’ה בּו ׁש ְּ ב תֹול ֲ ע ַּ מ ַ ה רי ׁ ִ ש   desire to plant trees should flow from
       In fact, the beginning of the second   (Song of steps: when Hashem returns us   the interest to help future generations,
       chapter tells how Hashem delayed the   to Zion, we were like dreamers). Choni   which is symbolized perfectly by the
       growth of trees and vegetation until He   wondered whether it is possible for a   carob tree” (Meged Yerachim, Chodesh
       created man who would work the fields   person to sleep and dream for 70 years   Shevat).
       (Bereishit 2:5). It is critical that man see   (the length of the first exile).
       himself as responsible to maintain and                                     On Tu BiShvat we celebrate trees and
       develop the world G-d created for him.  One day Choni met a man planting   what planting them says about us – in
                                             a carob tree (which takes 70 years to   general and specifically – in terms of our
       Most plants are planted on a seasonal   produce fruit). He asked the man why   relationship with the Land of Israel to
       basis. They provide us with food after   he was planting a tree he would probably   which Hashem has returned us.
       minimal months of investment. Trees,   never eat from. The man answered
       however, require years of nurturing   that just as he found and enjoyed trees
       before they provide fruit. On the other   planted by earlier generations, he too   1   See Mesilat Yesharim 1.
       hand, they are a critical part of the   was planting for future ones. After this   2   On this topic, see also Bereishit 34:8 versus
                                                                                      34:9 and Devarim 21:11 versus 21:14 and 25:8
       ecosystem and they reward the work    discussion, Choni fell asleep for 70 years.   (the frame for Parshat Ki Teitzei).
       invested in them with an abundance of   Upon awakening, Choni met the man’s
       fruit over many years. Investing in tree   grandson who was enjoying the fruits of
       planting requires patience and long-  his grandfather’s labor.
       term vision and expresses a recognition   I believe there is a profound connection
       of  our  responsibility  to  develop  the
       world.                                between the two parts of the story.      Scan  here  to  join  Rabbi  Taragin’s
                                             Choni wondered about sleeping for 70   WhatsApp group with daily Divrei Torah
       When describing the planting of trees,   years and the connection to redemption.
       Rav Kook (Meged Yerachim, Chodesh     Tree planting is part of the answer.   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational

       Shevat) addresses the relationship    Redemption comes when people can     Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshi-
       between two different Hebrew words    see beyond themselves and work on    vat HaKotel Overseas Program.

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