Page 3 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 3

                                                                                             TORAT MIZRACHI

                                                                                       Rabbi Doron Perez

                               The Covenant

         The Extraordinary Relationship Between a People and a Land

          s there another people on earth who   the ה ָ לי ִ מ תי ִ ר ְּ ב, the Covenant of Circum-  As Rabbi Sacks zt”l defines it:
          has a deeper relationship with and   cision, where G-d commits himself to   “Covenant occurs when two individuals
      Istronger claim to a tract of land, than   a number of things: to make Abram’s   or groups, differing perhaps in power,
       the Jewish people’s claim to the Land   progeny into a great people, to change
       of Israel? This relationship is a deeply   his name to Avraham, meaning a father   but each acknowledging the integrity
       spiritual one and expresses itself in four   of many nations, and then two everlast-  and sovereignty of the other, pledge
       convincing claims – religious, historical,   ing pledges – to be a G-d to him and his   themselves in mutual loyalty to achieve
                                                                                  together  what  neither can  achieve
       moral and legal.                      people and to grant them the Land as an   alone... A covenant is not a contract. It
                                             eternal inheritance.
       All are rooted in a powerful paradigm,                                     differs in three respects. It is not lim-
       in one of the most transformational and   To understand the meaning of this con-  ited to specific conditions and circum-
       revolutionary concepts in all of religious   nection, we need to understand what   stances. It is open-ended and long-last-
       history – תי ִ ר ְּ ב, covenant.      a covenant is. Let us first distinguish   ing. And it is not based on the idea of
                                             between two similar yet very different   two individuals, otherwise unconnected,
       Covenant                              types of agreements, a covenant and a   pursuing personal advantage. It is about
                                             contract.                            the ‘we’ that gives identity to the ‘I’.
       From a spiritual point of view, the rela-
       tionship between the Jewish people and   Contract or Covenant              There is a place for contracts, but cov-
       the Land is unique in that it is presented                                 enants are prior and more fundamen-
       in the form of a Divine Covenant. It is   A contract is when both sides enter into   tal.  They form the matrix of mutuality
       quite remarkable that G-d initiates and   an agreement because it is mutually ben-  within which contractual relationships
       enters into covenants with his creations.   eficial. When the agendas align to the   can exist.
                                             extent that the agreement can serve both
       The first such covenant G-d makes with   parties, a contract is signed.    The Religious Claim
       humanity is after the flood – a Divine
       commitment never to destroy the world   A covenant goes much deeper. It is not   It is this type of relationship which G-d
       again. Then with Avraham Avinu, He    based on interests but on shared values.   created between the Jewish people and
       makes  two  covenants,  both  about   It is not built on what each party can get   the Land. A covenant not dependent
       granting the Land of Israel to his (and   but on what each party ought to give.   on any conditions or circumstances.
       His) children. The first one is known   It is not based on personal gain but on   A covenant unlimited by time and one
       as םי ִ ר ָ ת ְּ ב ַ ה ןי ֵּ ב תי ִ ר ְּ ב, the Covenant of the   a greater good, where the goal is best   which is built on a fundamental relation-
       Pieces, which is exclusively about this:   served by the sum total of the parties   ship rooted in the spiritual mission and
       “On that day, G-d made a covenant with   entering into the agreement.      destiny of the world and of the Jewish
       Abram saying, to your descendants have   A contract is about Me and You, a cov-  people in particular. It is for this reason
       I given this Land…”  The second one is   enant is about Us and We.         our Sages have framed the relationship
                                                                                                     Continued on page 4

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