Page 21 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 21
26 Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ל“צז
SCHOOLS Miracles
29 at the Sea
ach year, the Shabbat following did she prophesize? When she was negated, but let us sing it together,
Tu BiShvat is known as Shabbat Aharon’s sister, before Moshe was specifically the way he loves.’
EShira, because we read Parashat born, when she said, ‘My mother will
Beshalach, which tells the story of the bear a son’ (Sotah 13a). Horse and Rider He
crossing of the sea. Hurled Into the Sea
Another interpretation: “the sister of
When the Jews crossed the sea, Chazal Aharon” – since he risked his life for By splitting the sea, G-d also wanted
calculated 10 special miracles. The her when she got tzara’at, she is men- to teach us that the evil Egyptians,
water parted into 12 pathways, so that tioned in his name. who harmed the entire Jewish nation,
each tribe found its own path, and each “The drum” – a type of musical would receive their punishment – per-
tribe crossed separately. The tribes instrument. petrators and dispatchers, their vehi-
wanted to see each other – so the waters cles and their weapons, all need to be
became transparent, clear as glass, and “And all the women went after her in destroyed. We learn this from what
they could see each other without wor- dance with drums” – the righteous was said at Shirat HaYam: “Horse and
rying that perhaps others hadn’t passed women of the generation were certain rider He hurled into the sea.” But what
through the sea. that G-d would perform miracles for was the horses’ sin? Rather, this is the
them, so they took their drums with
Likewise, HaKadosh Baruch Hu them from Egypt. Moshe sang Shirat punishment the wicked deserved,
wanted the walk through the sea to HaYam for the men – he would recite that even the horses received their
be easy and comfortable, that there and they would repeat; Miriam sang punishment.
should be no distress to any Jew, so Shirat HaYam for the women. There were different types of wicked
their hearts would open and they all people in Egypt: those who were
could sing Shirat HaYam from the On the verse, “the women went after utterly wicked and cruel, the less
depths of their soul. For this reason, her,” Chazal say all of the women wicked and those who were somewhat
miracles occurred, mainly for the chil- went out to “protest,” and wanted wicked. G-d meted out the appro-
dren, that if they would suddenly want to sing like the men. The men told
a candy, or a pacifier, candies or pacifi- them, ‘You can’t sing, because of kol priate punishment to each group. He
ers would ‘pop out’ from the sea. Thus isha.’ Said Miriam, ‘Let each woman sent the utterly wicked into the sea
everyone would receive everything he carry a drum, and when you feel that like straw and hay, and the suffering
wanted on the spot, in such a way that the men are approaching and might of drowning was terrible – measure
their hearts were open to say Shirat hear the sound of our song, bang the for measure. For those who were less
HaYam, bursting forth from a pure drums hard, so the sound of the wom- wicked, He lessened their suffering
soul. 1 en’s song won’t be heard.’ Miriam was and drowned them like stones, which
a prophet before Moshe Rabbeinu, plunge immediately; this is “hurled
The women also took part in Shirat and she told the women, ‘I will sing into the sea.” And those who were
HaYam and the Torah specifically and you should follow,’ and they began somewhat wicked, relatively better, He
records what they sang. Miriam the singing “Sing to the L-rd, for He has drowned like lead, so their suffering
prophetess took her drum in her hand triumphed gloriously,” like the men would be minimal.
and all the women began to follow her, sang. The women said to her, ‘Are you
singing: “Sing to the L-rd, for He has trying to make fun of us? These are
triumphed gloriously.” Commenting the same words as Moshe Rabbeinu’s 1 See Rabbi Ovadiah Bartenura on Masechet
on Miriam’s song, Rashi brings the song!’ She said to them, ‘I have come Avot, 5, who calculates the 10 miracles, and
the Gra’s interpretation there.
to teach you that we need to accept Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ל“צז served
“And Miriam the prophetess, sister all the teachings of the Rabbi without as the Rishon LeZion and Sephardi Chief
of Aharon, took the drum…” – when exception, and even his song can’t be Rabbi of Israel from 1983 to 1993.
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