Page 23 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 23


 Rabbi Yaakov Ariel                                                           Rabbi Hershel Schachter

                          One Aspect of

                     Kedushat HaAretz

             he Sifrei Zuta, in its first gloss to   merely outlining the special  kedusha   Bechorot  53a,  Temurah  21b).  Simi-
             Sefer Bamidbar (5:2), discusses   of Eretz Yisrael per se. Of course, there   larly, the Mechilta (Petichta,  Parashat
      Tthe mitzvah to send the temei’im      exists a concept of kedushat Eretz Yis-  Bo; see Kli Chemdah, Parashat
       outside the Mishkan and the areas sur-  rael, which gives rise to the long list   Chukat, siman 4) holds that the allow-
       rounding it, by level of sanctity. The   of  ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב  תֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה  תֹוו ְ צ ִ מ. In this context,   ance, during certain periods in history,
       mishnayot in Masechet Keilim (1:6-10)   however,  Chazal  express the notion   to offer a  korban  on a  bama  (miz-
       similarly list these 10 levels in ascend-  that there are 10 levels of  kedushat   beach outside of the Beit HaMikdash)
       ing order of kedusha, starting with Eretz   haMikdash. The core of kedushat Beit   was likewise only applicable in  Eretz
       Yisrael and concluding with the Kodesh   HaMikdash, its most intense degree,   Yisrael.
       HaKodashim.                           is found in the  Kodesh HaKodashim.   The  Mishnah  added  a  third  din  to
       Rav Soloveitchik was fond of discuss-  The  kedusha  then spills over to the   demonstrate that  Eretz Yisrael con-
       ing the first level of kedusha listed in   other areas in descending levels, until   tains  an element of  kedushat  haMik-
       the Mishnah – that of  Eretz Yisrael:   it  fills  the  boundaries  of  Eretz  Yisrael   dash  – that  only  the fruits of  Eretz
                                             itself, which possesses the tenth level
       “Eretz Yisrael is holier than all other                                    Yisrael are obligated in bikkurim. The
       lands. And what constitutes its holi-  of  kedushat haMikdash.  Chazal  seek   Mishnah  must  hold  that  bikkurim
       ness? That we bring from it the [barley   to prove that Eretz Yisrael, apart from   is not one of the  ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב  תֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה  תֹוו ְ צ ִ מ,
       used for the]  omer-offering, the [first   its own kedushat haAretz, is endowed   but rather part of the  avodah  of the
       fruits offered as]  bikkurim, and the   with a lower level of kedushat haMik-  Beit HaMikdash, and the fruits must
                                             dash. This cannot be demonstrated
       [wheat  used for  the]  shtei halechem                                     therefore grow on land that possesses
       [two loaves on Shavuot], which we do   from the group of  ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב תֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה תֹוו ְ צ ִ מ,   kedushat Beit HaMikdash. This is the
       not bring from all other lands.”      for they are dependent solely upon   point of dispute between the Mishnah
                                             kedushat haAretz. The two  dinim     and some versions of the Sifrei Zuta,
       It seems strange that of all the dinim   that can demonstrate a  kedusha  in   which do not include the  din  of  bik-
       that make  Eretz Yisrael unique – the   the form of  kedushat haMikdash  are   kurim  along  with  the  omer  and  shtei
       ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב תֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה תֹוו ְ צ ִ מ, agricultural mitzvot   those regarding the  omer  and the   halechem. The latter maintain that
       dependent upon the Land (teruma,      shtei  halechem.  These  dinim  indi-  bikkurim  is  one of the  תֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה  תֹוו ְ צ ִ מ
       ma’aser, shmita, yovel, leket, shichecha,   cate that there is a requirement for   ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב. Therefore, while it is true that
       pe’ah, challah) – these three obscure   the barley for the omer and the wheat   the fruits of bikkurim may only come
       dinim are the ones specifically chosen   for the  shtei halechem  to have grown   from produce grown in  Eretz Yis-
       to express the uniqueness of Eretz Yis-  within the “Beit HaMikdash.” The Beit   rael, this din does not prove anything
       rael. Furthermore, although one of the   HaMikdash  proper, of course, is not   regarding the  kedushat haMikdash
       Mishnah’s examples of  Eretz Yisrael’s   used for agricultural purposes; this   aspect of Eretz Yisrael. This aspect of
       kedusha is that the fruits of bikkurim   requirement is fulfilled by using items   the  kedusha  of  Eretz Yisrael can only
       may only come from the produce of     grown in Eretz Yisrael, which contains,   be proven  through the  dinim  regard-
       Eretz  Yisrael, certain versions of the   on some level, an element of kedushat   ing the omer and the shtei halechem. 1
       text of the Sifrei Zuta neglect to men-  Beit HaMikdash.
       tion this third example. What accounts   Another din that reflects the kedushat
       for this apparent discrepancy, whether   haMikdash  aspect of  Eretz Yisrael is   1   See Nefesh HaRav, pp. 77–78; Eretz HaTzvi,
                                                                                      p. 97.
       to list the din of bikkurim amongst the   that  ma’aser beheima  (animal tithes)
       dinim that demonstrate Eretz Yisrael’s   and  bechor  beheima  tehora  (firstborn   Adapted from “Rav Schachter on the Parsha.”
                                             kosher animals) are not offered as kor-  Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
       Rav Soloveitchik explained that the   banot if they come from outside Eretz   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
       Sifrei Zuta  and Mishnah are not      Yisrael  (according  to  Rabbi  Akiva,   Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.

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