Page 28 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 28


                                                                           Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
                  Four Wonderful Segulot

                          for Shabbat Shira

             he Shabbat after Tu BiShvat is   knows G-d will provide her food and she   Rabbi Kalonymos Kalman Shapira, the
             called  Shabbat  Shira,  named   sings even before she receives her bread.   Rebbe of Piacezna, says: know, that
      Tafter Shirat HaYam, which we          Give the birds breadcrumbs or grain   Shirat HaYam is a “decree” (ה ָ ריֵז ְּג, also
       read in Parashat BeShalach. It is an   before Shabbat. Show them that belief   meaning to split). A righteous person
       episode full of potential and capacity                                     decrees and G-d fulfils. When you say
       for your own personal splitting of the   and faith pay off. And if you don’t give   Shirat HaYam you are essentially doing
                                             them? They’ll be fine. The birds get by.
       sea – whether in health, in parnassah,                                     as the Jews did at Yam Suf. They sang
       or in relationships. Am Yisrael stand at   But this segula comes to awaken your   of the future, of the Beit HaMikdash:
                                             faith, that you too have your daily por-
       the edge of the Red Sea, surrounded                                        “Bring them and plant them…” The
       by desert. Behind them – Pharaoh, his   tion of bread saved for you.       Beit HaMikdash would only be built in
       army and his horsemen. The Jews cry                                        another few years, but they were already
       out and pray. G-d says to Moshe Rab-  2. Challot                           singing about it, and by doing so, build-
       beinu, “Why do you cry out to me? Tell   An additional segula for blessed liveli-  ing the reality. Have kavanah: “I’m now
       the Israelites to go forward!”        hood. In Parashat BeShalach, HaKadosh   decreeing that such should happen –

       “When Israel is in distress, it’s not the   Baruch Hu  speaks for the first time   to me! ‘Who split apart Yam Suf – His
       time for lengthy prayers,” explains Rashi,   about Shabbat, and we hear about   lovingkindness is eternal’” (Tehillim
       “it’s the time to do something!       lechem mishneh, which can also be inter-  136:13). I believe that He Who decreed
                                             preted as lechem meshuneh, different in   (gazar) then, can do so forever, always,
       When you feel stuck in a particular sit-  its shape and taste. So, place six small   and for me, as well.”
       uation, take a step forward. Move! This   challahs on each side of the table, i.e. 12
       specific Shabbat, you have the power to   in all. Place three in the shape of a the   4. Sing!
       change your destiny.                  Hebrew vowel, segol ( ) and three more
       Here’s your “homework” for the week   on top of them in the same way. This is   On Shabbat Shira, sing. Every Shabbat
                                                                                  is a song: “A song for the Shabbat day”
       of Parashat BeShalach and for Shabbat   a minhag of the Arizal, who promises   (Tehillim 92:1). But Shabbat Shira sings
       Shira:                                livelihood for the coming 12 months,   with you! The Chidushei HaRim says:
                                             because this bread draws so much bless-  “Sometimes, a person feels devotion, as
       1. Feeding the birds                  ing to you.                          if he became a new being; this is what
       A segula for faith and for an abundant   3. Say Shirat HaYam               song is. And this is what makes Shab-
       livelihood. My favorite explanation for                                    bat, because the Shabbat itself sings.”
       this is from Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz, the   When you read Shirat HaYam, think of   Sit around the table and sing Shabbat
       Imrei Pinchas: in all of Creation, only   the troubles and disturbances in your   zemirot, and prune (in Hebrew, ּור ְ מ ְז ִּ ת,
       man and birds sing. Birds rule the air.   life. When the Egyptians drown, think,   sharing the same letters as the word “to
       A tune is created by air passing from   “soon everything will pass. Hashem is   sing”) all of the bitterness from your life.
       the lungs through the larynx, and many   organizing my redemption.” At 'ה ע ׁ ַ שוּי ַ ו
       instruments generate sounds using     אּוה ַ ה םוּי ַּ ב, be filled with true joy. What
       the power of air as well. So too, Shirat   happens when we read Shirat HaYam?
       HaYam is written in columns – words   The Zohar says that at that very moment,
       with ‘air’ in between them. Therefore,   every year, Moshe, Aharon and Miriam,
       on Shabbat Shira, we feed the birds,   and the whole generation of the Exodus,
       because they can sing, like man. And   come down from Gan Eden and sing
       in the week of the parasha of manna   Shirat HaYam with the Jewish people on
       too, we throw food to the birds and look   Shabbat Shira, and draw blessings down   Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi is a popular
       to them who have no worries. The bird   upon the Jews from above.          Israeli teacher, speaker and writer.

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