Page 31 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 31
Mrs. Shira Smiles Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel
The Morality of Esthetics
And from the ground the L-rd G-d importance of beauty to man’s moral does not study nature because it is useful
caused to grow every tree that was obligation. The joy in the beauty of to do so. He studies it because he takes
pleasing to the sight and good for food, nature and plants will bring us to pleasure in it, and he takes pleasure in
with the Tree of Life in the middle of rejoice in moral beauty as well. In a soci- it because it is beautiful… meaning, the
the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge ety which does not show compassion more intimate beauty which comes from
of good and bad. (Bereishit 2:9) toward beauty, man will grow wild.” the harmonious order of its parts, and
n a subtle analysis, Rabbi Shimshon If we ascribe importance to beauty, will which pure intelligence can grasp.”
Raphael Hirsch points out that the this advance us morally? How does this Esthetic, physical beauty and moral
Itrees in Gan Eden are described first work? I find it difficult to avoid men- or spiritual beauty are two different
and foremost as “pleasing to the sight” – tioning the historical irony: Rav Hirsch spheres. But the pursuit of order, pro-
they are beautiful, esthetically pleasing, lived in Germany (1808–1888). That portion and harmony characterize both.
and only afterward are they “good for country, which excelled in valuing and
food” – providing fruits and the need cultivating the culture of esthetics – art, Perhaps this is how we can understand
for nourishment. “Here, in this verse, poetry, music – did not turn out to be an Rav Hirsch’s conclusion: “Man’s joy of
the perception of beauty was justified example of moral excellence. The words esthetic harmony is similar to his joy in
and sanctified,” he writes. “As far as we of Natan Alterman’s poem “From All of moral harmony; indeed, there is no ‘evil,’
know, man is the only creature endowed the Nations” echo in my mind: but brokenness and devastation – moral
with the capacity for deriving pleasure With the greatest concern for the sculp- harmony which has been disabled.”
from beauty. This is how man’s superior tures and art / Lest those treasures be If we train ourselves to notice and be
level was revealed.”
bombed in a raid. / But the heads of amazed by the harmony of the world,
The Torah lauds beauty before func- infants, precious treasures thou-art, our inclination will be to respect and
tionality, and it seems that only human / onto walls and roads crushed and seek harmony in all our conduct. Per-
beings notice beauty and enjoy its plea- sprayed. haps the lesson from the failure of this
sure. The conclusion: this must be part Nevertheless, even if this idea did not idea in Germany is that loving and glo-
of the uniqueness of man. When looking stand the test of history, what was Rav rifying harmony is not enough; it must
at a tree, before we see lunch, we stare Hirsch trying to say? What was the be mitigated by yirat shamayim. In the
in amazement. Wow! How beautiful is meaning of esthetics in his worldview words of Maimonides:
this tree! and what could his understanding con- “When one reflects on His wonderful
“The beautiful forms found in Creation tribute to our value system? creatures and will understand through
and the ability of humans to sense and It seems that Rav Hirsch’s ideas grow out them His wonderful, unparalleled and
enjoy them prevent man from deterio- of the classical philosophical belief that infinite wisdom, he will spontaneously
rating to the level of animals.” be filled with love, praise and exalta-
beauty stems from order and concord
Indeed, someone who tramples a flower between elements. Harmony, propor- tion… then he will be taken aback in a
bed without any appreciation for the tion and structure are what create the moment, and, stricken with awe, real-
delicate and the beautiful, is like a beast. esthetic experience. This incredible ize that he is an infinitesimal creature,
This perception, this recognition of harmony of mathematical composition humble... standing with an insignificant
beauty and the wish to protect it, protect is found in all of Creation and there- knowledge in the presence of the All-
us from arrogance and haughtiness. fore the entire world, made by G-d, is Wise” (Hilchot Yesodei haTorah 2:2).
But Rav Hirsch doesn’t stop there. He
continues to develop this idea in a way The French scientist and philosopher Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel teaches Torah
that is quite baffling: “This proves the Henri Poincaré wrote: “The scientist at midrashot in Israel.
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