Page 49 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 49
Mrs. Michal Horowitz
The Great Equalize
he Torah tells us that when we of Matan Torah given to us on Har had both presented their cases, Rav
come to the Land, “for six years Sinai? Chaim said, “Now let me hear what
Twe may work the fields and In the open vastness of the Wilderness the field has to say.” As Reuven and
gather the crops, and on the seventh of Sinai, at the foothills of one small Shimon looked on in astonishment,
year, a complete rest there shall be for mountain, on land in no man’s land, Rav Chaim Volozhin bent down and
the Land, a Shabbat for G-d” (Vayikra put his ear near the ground to listen!
25:2-5). G-d betrothed Knesset Yisrael and When he stood up, Shimon was smil-
gave us the Torah. For just as the Land
What of the produce that grows nat- ultimately belongs to all, so too, does ing and asked, “Nu, so what does the
urally, on its own, during the seventh the Torah belong to us all. ground have to say?”
shmitta year? Rashi explains that As we stood there, at the foothills of With a serious look, Rav Chaim
although working the Land is forbid- replied, “The ground said, ‘This one
den during this year, we are permitted Har Sinai, on the cusp of spiritual claims that I belong to him for this
freedom, ready to accept the Torah,
to eat from the fruits of the Land that G-d charged us with the task to be a reason, and that one claims that I
grow on their own. However, one may holy nation to Him, to be a kingdom of belong to him for that reason. The
not act as the landowner (of the land priests, and to always remember that truth is, in no time at all, they will both
that is “his” during the other six years), belong to me!’”
rather, all should be equal, and have the whole earth is His. Lest we forget Who is in charge, it
equal rights, to the produce of the sev- For six days – and for six years – we behooves us to step back, and, as the
enth year. may work the Land, till and sow the
Land, plant and harvest the Land… prophet tells us, “Lift your eyes to the
The bounty of the Land during the But on the seventh day, and in the heavens and see Who created this”
seventh year is ownerless, and belongs (Yeshayahu 40:26).
to the landowner (who is not the land- seventh year, we take a step back and For the beloved, unique, and Holy
remember: None of this is mine – it
owner this year) and his workers, to
animals, other citizens, paupers, and is all a Shabbat laHashem (Vayikra Land that is His, we give thanks; for
any who may desire to take from the 25:2,4). the cooling, life-giving waters of Torah
that is His, we give thanks; and for our
fruits. In essence, the shmitta year Reuven and Shimon came to Rav
reminds us that there is truly only One Chaim Volozhin (1749-1821) arguing very lives, and the bounty within and
all around us, for all of this, we give
Owner, One Master, One Provider, over a piece of property each claimed thanks upon thanks.
and One Sustainer. belonged to them. After listening to
both sides present their cases, Rav
“The land and its fullness are G-d’s; Chaim said, “Come, let us go to the
the world and those who dwell
therein” (Tehillim 24:1). For six years, field. I would like to see for myself the
man lives with the illusion that he actual property in question to better
is the owner and provider. Then he understand your arguments.”
comes to the shmitta year – and his Reuven and Shimon were puzzled.
illusions are shattered, his pride is What would looking at the property
diminished, as he abruptly remem- help, they wondered. Once there, Rav
bers that his land is not really his. For Chaim said, “Ok, Reuven, let me hear
G-d is the Owner and Provider, and what you have to say.” Reuven re-told
now those very fields belong to man, his side of the story. Rav Chaim then
animal, servant, maidservant, rich turned to Shimon and asked him to Mrs. Michal Horowitz teaches Judaic
and poor alike. Isn’t that the message present his side of the story. After they Studies classes to adults of all ages.
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