Page 58 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 58


                                                                            Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski

                                 Talking to Children

                                     about Marijuana

             ntil recently, when parents     People who use marijuana may hold a   amotivational syndrome resulting from
             found that a child was using    job or go through school, but may not   marijuana may deplete the drive neces-
      Umarijuana, they panicked. Now,        achieve their potential. A person who   sary for success.
       more and more countries are legaliz-  would not accept his car operating at
       ing marijuana. It has become socially   only 60% of its potential may have to   We cannot control our children. They
       “kosher.” What should frum parents do?   accept that he has not realized his capa-  will make their own decisions. But we
       Should we see it as kosher too?       bilities and is functioning at 60% of his   can educate them. Parents should thor-
                                                                                  oughly educate themselves on marijuana
       If you are looking for halachic guidance,   ability.                       use and share their knowledge with their
       consult a posek.                      A man of 38 consulted me. “My father   children. Don’t threaten. Just put the
       I spent over 40 years treating chemical   is a prominent physician, head of a   cards on the table and hope that they
       addiction, and I can only give you my   department in a major hospital. He is   will make the right decision.
       opinion.                              highly respected and sought after as a
                                             lecturer. My dream as a kid was that I
       Drugs such as opiates or cocaine are   would grow up to be a somebody. Maybe   Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski is a psychia-
       recognized as being potentially deadly.                                    trist and rabbi, and founder of the Gateway
       But inasmuch as there is no sudden    a doctor like my father, or a scientist, or   Rehabilitation Center in Pennsylvania.
       death from marijuana, people consider   a mathematician or a historian. I always
       it safe. There are arguments for and   wanted recognition. I only got a bach-
       against the use of marijuana, but there   elor’s degree and made passing grades,
       is one danger in marijuana that is largely   and for me, that is not satisfactory. I   *Editor’s note: Aside from amotivational
       unrecognized.                         used pot frequently, but I was unaware   syndrome, marijuana use can cause short
                                             of how it was affecting me. I blew it. I
       Especially in young people, marijuana   could have become a somebody, but not   term memory impairment, difficulty thinking
       can cause amotivational syndrome. It   anymore.”                           clearly, changes in mood, body movement
       can significantly decrease a person’s                                      impairment, and sometimes hallucinations,
                                                                                  delusions, or even psychosis, which can
       motivation or drive for achievement, but   There are many people who have great   lead to dangerous behavior. Marijuana use
       this is hardly noticeable. The danger is   potential, but to activate this poten-  can also negatively affect long-term brain
       much like cancer, which may not pro-  tial requires drive and effort and they   development and is associated with lower
       duce symptoms for years, but when it   may have to compete against others.   IQ levels when used by teenagers. For more
       does, it may be life-threatening.     While only one of the dangers,* the   information, see

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