Page 62 - HaMizrachi #26 Tu Bishvat USA 2021
P. 62


        The Tree That Saved My Life

                                               By Aharon Botzer

                hen my children were young,   one can be life-threatening. That day, I   Until I did what every Jew does when
                they would race down from    wasn’t feeling well, so I stopped to rest,   they are in need of help – I turned my
       Wour home in the Old City of          had a bite to eat, and felt a bit better.  eyes toward the Heavens.
       Tzfat to the Nachal Amud valley below.                                     And as I looked up, I saw a branch right
       Their record was 28 minutes. That was   I was suffering from low blood sugar. I   above my head. I was sitting under a
       our backyard – the sloping descent    should have recognized the signs.    carob tree. Hanging there, just within
       of the mountain, the streams and the   One of the participants was also not   reach, were three large, fresh carobs, not
       springs, the trees, stones and all the   feeling well, so we stopped again at a   the dry kind you sometimes find, but
       great hiding spots.
                                             path that led up to where the bus was. I   high in natural sugar. I quickly picked
       As I drank my morning cup of coffee and   stayed back to make sure she got there   one, gnawing its chewy flesh as fast as
       studied the sun’s rays reflecting on the   alright while the rest of the group con-  I could. I picked the next one, and then
       mountain, I would discern yet another   tinued with another guide.                  the third until I finally felt my
       hidden golden path that would be our                                                      leg return to normal
       Friday morning excursion through the   But when I got up to con-                            and I could catch up
       valley up to Har Meiron. My children   tinue walking, I felt my                              with the group.
       have all married and left home now,   leg freeze.                                              I collected some
       but when I look out of our window, and   I  knew  imme-                                        dried carobs
       when I hike down to the valley, it brings                                                       from around
       back some very sweet memories.        diately.  I  was                                          the tree and
                                             suffering from
       I’ve hiked through Nachal Amud thou-  diabetic shock.                                           brought them
       sands of times. Sometimes I lead groups                                                         home as a
       or go with my wife, my children and   I was alone                                               reminder of
       grandchildren; other times, I go alone.   among  the                                           my personal
       I see G-d in the nature around me, and   trees. I had my                                       miracle.
       the quiet serenity allows me to open my   phone with me,                                     I like to tell this
       heart to Him.                         but there was no                                     story to my grand-
       But one time, it was anything but quiet   service.                                       children,  to  guests  at
                                                                                              my Shabbat table, and to
       serenity.                             I tried to walk but very soon I            the groups I lead down to the
       Five years ago, I was leading a group of   couldn’t walk at all.           valley. I tell them it’s not really the tree
       American students and tourists on a   My head began to spin, and I knew if I   that saved me. It’s the One Who created
       three-day hike from the Mediterranean                                      the tree that bore the fruit that saved my
       to the Kinneret.                      didn’t manage to raise my blood sugar   life; the One Who answered me when I
                                             soon, I would lose consciousness.
       I should have known something was                                          turned my eyes in prayer to the Heavens.
       wrong.                                But what could I do? I couldn’t move.   When life pulls you down, I tell them,
       I’d been diagnosed with diabetes some   There would be nobody to save me,   look up.
       years earlier. One can suffer from either   nobody to find me. I sunk down onto
       high blood sugar – hyperglycemia, or   a stone. My mind began to fill with   Aharon Botzer is founder and CEO of Livnot
       low blood sugar – hypoglycemia. Either   thoughts of death and despair...   U’Lehibanot.

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