Page 6 - HAMIZRACHI #4-RH-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 6

Isaac Herzog


T he Mizrachi Movement has                   governments and as the Opposition            importantly, tackling alienation and
          always been an integral part of    Leader. I am familiar with the great         division within the Jewish people.
          the National Institutions since    challenges facing the Jewish people          To achieve these goals, each and
its foundation. It is an inextricable part   today, as well as understanding the          every one of the Jewish movements
of the extraordinary mosaic of the Jewish    central role played by each of the Zionist   and streams must work together, with
people. Mizrachi has played a significant    organizations, including Mizrachi, in        commitment and determination;
role in the phenomenal success of a          confronting the internal and external        with open minds and the simple
small nation that succeeded in returning     challenges we face at this time and which    understanding that the Jewish people
to its homeland after 2,000 years of exile,  threaten the unity of our people.            have always been comprised of various
in maintaining Jewish traditions and in      We, the Jewish people, have always           worldviews, movements and streams.
keeping the Torah’s commandments             shown talent for arguing amongst             The Jewish Agency is the bridge
in the Diaspora. And it also played a        ourselves and generating diverse             connecting the Jewish people in Zion
significant role in my own childhood.        opinions – which has led to remarkable       with the Jewish people in the Diaspora
My family history is deeply rooted in        achievements.                                – I call that “Jerusalem” and “Babylon” –
the Zionist Movement in general and in       However, we have always known how            and it is the bridge that connects us all.
the Mizrachi Movement in particular.         to remain unified and focus on our core      It is incumbent upon us, a nation of 14
My grandfather, the first Chief Rabbi        values of continuity and integrity, as well  million people, to faithfully protect the
of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Halevy       as maintaining a connection to Judaism,      unity of our people wherever we are, and
Herzog zt”l, was very close to the           tradition, the Land of Israel and the        to ensure that that unity remains intact
Mizrachi leadership. The head of the         State of Israel. All this while facing       – for our power lies in our unity. This is
Movement, Moshe Chaim Shapira z”l,           challenges and disasters that no other       the Jewish Agency’s mission.
was like family, a close colleague and       nation has ever encountered.                 I will conclude with an excerpt from the
supporter of my grandfather. They            However, our national missions               Prayer for the Peace of the State, written
worked together during the tumultuous        have yet to be completed. As the             by my grandfather: “And our brothers,
years between the Holocaust and the          Chairman of the Jewish Agency, I             the entire House of Israel, protect them
revival of Israel. My grandmother,           will continue to work to encourage           in all the lands where they are dispersed,
Rabbanit Sarah Herzog zt”l, helped           Aliyah for anyone who so desires;            and bring them quickly to Zion Your
coalesce the women’s movement of             to work with Jewish communities              city and to Jerusalem, the dwelling place
Hapoel HaMizrachi and the Mizrachi           in Israel and in the Diaspora, and to        of Your Name.” Let it be so.
Women’s organization. She founded            reinforce Jewish identity. I will strive     Wishing the entire Jewish people, in
Emunah, the women’s Religious Zionist        to work towards the continuity of our        Israel and the Diaspora, a good and
organization, heading it until the day she   people by strengthening the dialogue         sweet new year.
died.                                        between Israelis and Jews outside
I have recently become Chairman of           Israel, confronting the delegitimization     Isaac Herzog is the newly-elected
the Executive of the Jewish Agency           of Israel and global anti-Semitism,          Chairman of the Executive of the
for Israel, after more than 20 years in      advocating Tikkun Olam within                Jewish Agency for Israel
public service – 15 of them as a Member      Israeli society and beyond, and most
of Knesset, as a Minister in several

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