Page 28 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 28
his past summer marked seven Hadar’s Story Oron’s Story
years since Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul
and Lt. Hadar Goldin were killed Hadar Goldin, a Lieutenant On July 20, 2014, Sgt. Oron
Tduring Operation Protective in the Givati Brigade of the Shaul entered the Shejaiya
Edge in the Gaza Strip. IDF, was a Jewish patriot, neighborhood of Gaza City
humanitarian and artist, in an armored personnel
They gave their lives to protect the State and only 23 years old when he was carrier with six other soldiers. Hamas
of Israel. Tragically, Hamas refuses to killed and kidnapped in Gaza by Hamas operatives opened fire on the vehicle. An
release their bodies, and continue to use terrorists. anti-tank missile penetrated the APC and
the issue as a bargaining chip to try to exploded.
secure the release of Palestinians impris- On August 1, 2014, during Operation
oned in Israel for terror offences. Protective Edge, two hours after Hamas Oron was wounded and dragged by
Hamas terrorists into a tunnel. Hamas
The Goldin and Shaul families have expe- agreed to a ceasefire, terrorists ambushed rapidly claimed to have captured an IDF
rienced the unspeakable pain of losing three Israeli soldiers from a tunnel soldier, backing up its claim with the sol-
their beloved sons in war, with the addi- located in the basement of a house in dier’s photo ID. Oron’s body was never
tional agony of not being able to bury Gaza. The terrorists killed two of the sol- found. He was only 21 years old.
them. diers, and shot Hadar Goldin, dragging
him into a tunnel in order to kidnap him. Oron was quiet and humble, and always
These families have committed them- put the needs of others before his own.
selves to recovering the bodies of their Hadar was a gifted young man – a He was characterized by his love of
sons and giving them the burial that they painter, a poet, and an inspiration to all the universe, nature, and above all, his
deserve in Israel. who knew him. homeland.
The Religious Zionists of America–Mizrachi is spearheading a petition to the US
1 government to facilitate the release of their bodies, which will be presented to
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and signed by a broad spectrum of the American
community. Please sign the petition at
Educate yourself about the plight of the Goldin and Shaul families. There are
2 numerous resources online, including
Keep Hadar and Oron's memories alive and their names in our tefillot. Recite the
3 Av Harachamim prayer on the facing page, and make it a weekly addition to your
shul services.