Page 33 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 33

                                                                                     הקירמאד םינברה תורדתסה

                     The Orthodox Israel Coalition (OIC) is a broad-based coalition of the major Religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox organizations
                   in the USA and are part of the global Mizrachi delegation that has represented this sector in the World Zionist Congress for over 100 years.
                        The OIC is dedicated to the timeless values of the Torah and the centrality of the Land and the State of Israel in Jewish life.

                                                            The RCA’s mission is הּ ָרי ִד ֲא ַה ְלוּ ה ָרוֹתּ לי ִדּ ְג ַה ְל – to defend the
                                                            honor of the Torah, to champion the rights and the dignity of
                                                            the Jewish people everywhere, and to help build and strengthen
                                                            the religious and general welfare of the State of Israel. The RCA
                                                            represents the voice of Torah insight to the Jewish community
                                          and beyond on important issues of the day. It represents the positions and concerns
                                          of the Orthodox world to the organized Jewish community and in interfaith settings.
                                          As the leading membership organization of   provided resources to address them such as the
                                          Orthodox rabbis in North America, the Rabbinical   Halachic Prenuptial Agreement and the uphold-
                                          Council of America supports rabbis throughout   ing of synagogue practices and standards.
                                          the Modern Orthodox spectrum as they serve   Its siddur is used in shuls throughout North
                                          their congregations and communities in shuls,   America. Its GPS network of conversion courts
                                          schools, military and hospital chaplaincies, and
                                          community organizations.             is the gold standard for recognized conversions
                                                                               for Judaism. Its affiliated Beth Din of America is
                                          The RCA provides ongoing resources and learn-  the leading and most respected rabbinic tribunal.
                                          ing opportunities that enable rabbis to remain
                                          current on the latest issues and to benefit from   Through its publication of the journal Tradition
                                          the experience and wisdom of leading rabbis and   the RCA has served as a thought leader for over
                                          poskim and of their colleagues. It is a clearing-  60 years.
                                          house for halachic discussion and guidance.  The RCA maintains a strong relationship with
                                          The RCA has led in many areas of importance   the Chief Rabbinate of Israel which serves the
                                          and concern to the Jewish community and has   interests of our members and communities.

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