Page 37 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 37



                                        Eyes to See

                                         Rabbi Judah Mischel

             yes are the windows to the   running to serve them – he was con-  with rachmanut – mercy – seeing an
             soul. “G-d appeared to Avra-  tinuing it and expanding it. Directing   older man with unfulfilled dreams,
             ham Avinu… he lifted his eyes   his efforts and attention to the needs   suffering from poverty. He saw a Yid
      Eand saw, and behold, three      of others in such a moment, Avraham   who had good intentions and wanted
      men were standing beside him, and   Avinu proved he was ready to transmit   to teach Torah – but had difficulty
      he saw and he ran toward them… he   the values of chesed and generosity to   controlling his temper. Looking around
      prostrated himself to the ground and   his descendants.            the decrepit cheder, he appreciated the
      said: ‘Adonai, My masters, if only I have   Orphaned from his parents as a young   sacrifice being made for Torah study.
      found favor in your eyes, please do not   child, the Baal Shem Tov was drawn   When the children fought, he saw their
      pass on from beside your servant’”   to the outdoors, where alone with   passion and energy, and he focused on
      (Bereishit 18:1–3).
                                       Hashem, he found comfort and peace   their potential.
      After having circumcised himself as   in the forest.               The tradition passed on among the Baal
      a man of 100 years old, on the third   Once, little Yisrael ran away to the   Shem Tov’s students is that Reb Yisra-
      and most painful day post-op, Avra-  woods because he could not bear the   el’s mysterious encounter in the forest
      ham Avinu had every reason to be   cheder anymore. The dingy hovel was   that day was with Avraham Avinu.
      resting and recuperating. Yet in his   filthy, and the moody  melamed was   From then on, he had einayim lirot, “eyes
      yearning for the opportunity to serve   always screaming. The children were   to see,” and that transformative expe-
      others, he waited outside his tent at   always fighting. His father, Rebbe   rience led him to embark on his life’s
      the crossroads scanning the horizon   Eliezer’s parting words to “love every   mission to restore dignity, honor and
      for potential guests to whom he could   Jew with all your heart and soul, no
      offer respite, food and drink.   matter who he is,” rang in his ears. He   self-respect to a forlorn nation.
      Avraham calls the travelers by an hon-  desperately wanted to love everyone   One need not stand outside a tent
      orific, “Adonai.” Rashi, at first, gives us   but was struggling. When he came to   awaiting passers-by or experience a
      the simple interpretation: Avraham   the forest, Yisrael davened and cried   mystical revelation to attain “eyes to
      was showing the travelers deep respect.   for salvation. A little boy, alone in the   see.” When we look to the essence of
      However, Rashi’s second interpretation   world...                  another, sweep off the layer of dust
      is that the appellation is the Holy Name   An elderly man suddenly appeared and   and look past the outer facade to reveal
      of Hashem! In the midst of prayer, deep   called the child by name. “Yisrael,” he   beauty and G-dliness in every person
      in d’veykut, Avraham did not interrupt   said, “I have come to give you a bless-  we meet – we are seeing with soulful
      his davening. Noticing and calling out   ing.” “What do you mean?” asked the   eyes and living the path of Avraham
      to the needy travelers was a natural   startled Yisrael, “Who are you?” The old   Avinu.
      expression of his connectedness to   man only said, “May you have einayim    Adapted from Rabbi Mischel’s new book,
      Hashem – and he called G-d’s name   lirot, eyes to see.” Yisrael wanted to find   ‘Baderech: Along the Path of Teshuvah’
      through them.                    out who he was and what he meant, but   (Mosaica Press, 2021).
                                       the elderly Yid had disappeared.
      When Avraham “lifted his eyes” and
      noticed them approaching, he saw   Later that day, Yisrael made his way   Rabbi Judah Mischel and his wife, Ora, live
      beyond their exterior, beneath the   back to cheder. He was greeted by his   in Ramat Beit Shemesh with their family.   A member of
      dust of the road and that of their idol-  teacher’s shouts, livid that Yisrael   He is the Executive Director of Camp HASC,   the Mizrachi
      atrous ways and recognized the Divine   had cut school. Now, however, things   Mashpia of OU-NCSY, and founder of Tzama   Speakers Bureau
      image within his guests. Avraham was   looked different: The teacher was still   Nafshi, an organization dedicated to Jewish
      not interrupting his Avodat Hashem in   screaming, but Yisrael looked at him   education.           speakers

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