Page 38 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 38



                            The Loyal and Joyful Optimist

                                                   Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary

                           itzchak’s name means “he   one symptom of his generally passive   Nobody should mistake Yitzchak’s
                           who will laugh” and actually   nature. Unlike Avraham, who journeys   passivity as weakness. Quite the oppo-
                           precedes his birth, deriving   to a new land, fights wars and argues   site. Anyone holding a plank position
                    Yfrom the incredulous laugh      with G-d’s justice, Yitzchak submis-  for two minutes would tell you they
                   by both Avraham and Sarah upon hear-  sively follows the way of his father and   would much rather do jumping jacks.
                   ing the news that they would bear a   mimics his actions. Father and son   A successful movement cannot begin
                   child in old age (Bereishit 17:17 and   both pass off their wives as their sisters   without a pioneering and charismatic
                   18:13). Yitzchak thus symbolizes hope   during their stay in Gerar (20:2 and 26:7)   visionary. But after that comes the real
                   and continuity even when all pros-  and become wealthy while living there   hard work of sustaining the momen-
                   pects seem bleak. His legacy inspires   (20:14 and 26:14). Yitzchak re-digs the   tum, thwarting threats to continuity,
                   optimism beyond logic and trust in   wells that Avraham had first dug but   and ensuring future growth. This was
                   an occurrence so unlikely that the   that the Philistines stopped up (26:18).  Yitzchak’s greatness.
                   absurdity of it coming true makes it
                   laughable.                        Even Yitzchak’s courtship highlights   Benjamin Franklin was one of the
                                                     his absence. Yaakov and Moshe meet   world’s greatest inventors, inventing
                   Yitzchak’s name also foretells the
                   story of Yitzchak and Rivka caught in   their brides at a well where they each   swimming fins, bifocal glasses, the
                   a moment of playfulness (ק ֵח ַצ ְמ) while   save the maidens in distress. Com-  odometer and electricity. Interestingly,
                   Avimelech spies them out from his   pare this with Yitzchak, whose father   most of Franklin’s innovations preceded
                   palace window (Bereishit 26:8). This   arranges for a servant to go seek a   the great inventor in some form. Frank-
                   rare moment of marital intimacy in   suitable bride. While Rivka heroically   lin’s genius was in perfecting these
                   the Torah follows the scene of Yitzchak   serves the thirsty servant and his   earlier inventions and applying them
                   praying alongside and on behalf of his   camels at a well, Yitzchak remains at   to practical use. Someone before him
                   barren wife, displaying his care and   home, patiently awaiting the delega-  had already held out a rod in a light-
                   devotion to her. Yitzchak is unique   tion’s return.               ning storm. But Franklin was the first
                   among the patriarchs in that he married   Yitzchak’s passive role begins already   to direct electrical energy from clouds
                   only one woman, although that did not   as a child, when his father binds him   into a Leyden bottle, an early battery. In
                   prevent rivalry between his twin sons.                             science, the person who repeats, veri-
                                                     to an altar as a sacrifice to G-d. Deserv-
                   His monogamous relationship with   edly, Avraham emerges in future lit-  fies and perfects an experiment may be
                   his wife parallels his absolute com-  urgy as the hero of the story for his   just as crucial as the first inventor of an
                   mitment to the Land of Israel, which   willingness to sacrifice his son. Nev-  idea. The same is true for the origins of
                   he never left even when there was a   ertheless, Yitzchak’s innocent inquiry,   a movement or nation. There can only
                   famine in Canaan. This contrasts with   “Where is the lamb for slaughter?” and   be one founder, one Avraham. But all
                   his father, Avraham who left to Egypt   his willingness to trust his father, “G-d   future generations who continue and
                   when famine struck and turned to an   will see to the lamb, my son” (Bereishit   build upon the chain of tradition before
                   Egyptian woman, Hagar, to bear him a   22:7–8), certainly becomes a paradigm   them will find a role model in Yitzchak.
                   child when his wife, Sarah, was barren.   of fortitude, bravery, and selfless devo-
                   Instead, Yitzchak remained uncompro-  tion. Yitzchak was miraculously saved   Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary is a professor of
                   mising in his loyalty to the promised   at the last moment with the knife about   Judaic Studies at Yeshiva University and a
                   land, his wife, and his family’s future   to slit his throat; future generations of   rabbi at Sephardic Synagogue in Brooklyn. He
                   even in the face of enormous doubt.  martyrs and victims of pogroms who   is an author currently writing a commentary
                                                                                      on Talmudic discussions of Jewish holidays,
                   However, the uniqueness of his sin-  took strength from Yitzchak’s example   and he runs the websites,
                   gle-minded commitment may be just   would not be so lucky., and

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