Page 60 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 60


                            An Etrog for


                                                   Rabbi Hanoch Teller

                                                                        hen it came   in his shul: “I ask each one of you to
                                                                        to securing   take to the streets tomorrow, stop
                                                                        a beautiful   any Jewish wagon driver you see and
                                                                        etrog   for  inquire whether he has an etrog. We
                                                                        Sukkot, no   must spare no effort to fulfill Almighty’s
                                                   Wone                        was   commandments!”
                                                   more particular than the famous and
                                                   saintly Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev.   This was followed by a unique prayer
                                                   Months before the holiday season, he   he had composed himself: “Ribbono
                                                   would begin his search for an etrog that   Shel Olam, Master of the Universe, let
                                                   was truly mehudar.                us make a deal. I will give you my sins,
                                                                                     transgressions, and errors, and You will
                                                   By and large, etrogim are grown in Eretz   give me children, life, and sustenance.
                                                   Yisrael and shipped all over the world.
                                                   One year, however, the ship carrying   “The Greeks contend that their god is
                                                   the precious cargo from the Holy Land   the Lord, but I disagree.
                                                   to Berditchev never arrived. Distraught,   “The Romans contend that their god is
                                                   Reb Levi Yitzchak – also known as the   the Lord, but I disagree.
                                                   Berditchever Rebbe – sent messengers
                                                   to all the outlying areas, hoping that   “The Indians contend that their god is
                                                     they would discover an etrog some-  the Lord, but I disagree.
                                                       where in their travels. But the mes-  “And the Russians contend that there
                                                        sengers returned empty-handed.   is no G-d, but I, Levi Yitzchak ben Sarah
                                                         Their efforts had borne no fruit.  Sushah, say, ‘Glorified and sanctified be
                                                         One week before Rosh Hashanah   G-d’s great name…’”
                                                        – only three weeks until Sukkot   The next day, as per the Rebbe’s instruc-
                                                       – there was still no hope in sight.   tions, one of his chassidim at the north-
                                                     So the Rebbe sent out a new group of   ern entrance to Berditchev accosted
                                                   messengers, instructing them to bring   Berel the spice merchant who was
                                                   back an etrog – any etrog – at any price!   returning home from the summer fair.
                                                   But their mission, too, was a failure.  Lo and behold, Berel had an etrog, a very

                                                   On Yom Kippur, the Rebbe implored   beautiful one... but he had no interest
                                                   the Almighty to allow him to fulfill   in parting with it. Anxious to return to
                                                   this mitzvah as he always had. “Master   his family, he didn’t appreciate being
                                                   of the Universe, we wish to obey Your   buttonholed and questioned by a per-
                                                   command,” he cried, “but there isn’t a   sistent chassid.
                                                   single etrog in all of Berditchev or the   “I’ve been away from my family for the
                                                   surrounding countryside!”
                                                                                     entire summer,” the merchant argued.
                                                   Just before the Neila service, Reb Levi   “I’ve earned plenty of money, baruch
                                                   Yitzchak issued a moving plea to the   Hashem, so none of your offers can
                                                   hundreds  of  worshippers  gathered   tempt me. This little etrog will be the

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