Page 56 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 56


                                                               Stuff It, Roll It,

                                                          Serve It on a Plate

                                                                             Jamie Geller

                                                                      tumped with     However, Jewish Food Historian Gil
                                                                      what to serve on   Marks, in his Encyclopedia of Jewish Food
                                                                      Sukkot, Hosha-  (Wiley, 2010), writes: “...stuffed vegeta-
                                                               Snah Rabbah and        bles, filled pastas, filled pastries and
                                                                 Simchat Torah? just   filled pies, all symbolizing plenty, are
                                                                 stuff it and you’re all   commonplace on Sukkot tables.”
                                                                 good!                While I loathe to be wrong I am happy
                                                                 Simchat Torah, the   to know that the stuffed, filled and
                                                                last day of Sukkot, is   overflowing foods are an allusion to
                                                                the celebration of the   plenty!
                                                               conclusion of the annual
                                                              cycle of Torah readings, at
                                                             which point we immediately   Jamie Geller influences millions every day.
                                                                                      Known as the “Jewish Rachael Ray” (The
                                                            start the cycle again with the   New York Times), and the “Queen of Kosher”
                                                          reading of Bereishit...     (CBS) seven-time bestselling author Jamie
                                                       And so I always thought that both   Geller is the Founder and CEO of Kosher
                                                     the shape of the Torah scroll and the   Network international (KNi), the number
                                                                                      one Global Kosher Food Media Company,
                                                     cyclical celebration of the holiday were   featuring over 10,000 recipes and the viral
                                                     the reasoning behind our stuffed and   @jewlishbyjamie how-to videos with 1 billion
                                                     rolled food obsession this time of year.  views. @jamiegeller /

                                                     1 (5-pound) veal breast, butterflied (have   shallots, garlic, and mushroom mixture
                                                     your butcher do this)            for just two minutes. Transfer to a bowl
                                                                                      and cool briefly.
                   Braised Stuffed                   Kosher salt                      4. Spread open veal and season with salt
                                                     Freshly ground black pepper      and pepper. Spread mushroom mixture
                   Veal Breast                       1 cup white wine                 over veal. Roll veal up and tie in several

                   with Porcini Mushrooms            Bouquet garnish: several thyme sprigs,
                                                     parsley stems, bay leaf tied to celery rib   5. Heat the same pan as was used for
                                                                                      browning garlic, lightly coated with extra
                   Ingredients                       Preparation                      virgin olive oil. Brown veal on all sides
                                                                                      until golden. Add the mushroom broth,
                   2 ounces dried porcini mushrooms  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (176°C)  remaining one cup chicken broth, wine,
                   4 ounces sun-dried tomatoes       2. Soften porcini mushrooms and sun-dried   and bouquet garni and cover.
                                                     tomatoes by simmering in one cup chicken   6. Braise at 350°F (176°C) for two hours.
                   2 cups chicken broth
                                                     broth for 10 minutes. Cool and coarsely   Uncover and continue cooking 15 minutes
                   3 shallots, minced                chop mushrooms and tomatoes. Reserve   more until tender.
                                                     mushroom-tomato broth.
                   8 garlic cloves, minced                                            7. Transfer veal to cutting board and loosely
                                                     3. Heat a Dutch oven or sauté pan lightly   tent with foil for 15 minutes. Slice and
                   Extra virgin olive oil            coated with extra virgin olive oil. Sauté   arrange on a platter. Serve with pan juices.

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