Page 52 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 52

Timeless Wisdom

                      Sefer Bereishit and the Ethics of Technology

                                                      Michael Eisenberg

                                e live in turbulent   In our own time, innovations in Arti-  wealthier in Egypt, we see that Avra-
                                times when the only   ficial Intelligence raise similar chal-  ham embarked on spiritual pursuits
                                constant is change.   lenges. AI opens up many possibilities   without Lot, building altars and call-
                   WEpoch-defining tech-             for creating wealth and prosperity.   ing out in G-d’s name. Lot, on the other
                   nologies and digitization are overturn-  But what are the ethical principles   hand, pursued even more wealth with-
                   ing the economy, media, and culture,   that must guide this technology? Sim-  out principle in Sodom and Gomorrah.
                   creating extraordinary wealth for some   ilarly, the commercialization of space   In Bereishit 13:1, Avraham’s possessions
                   while leaving others behind. At a time   travel is a vast industry that may open   are described between the listing of
                   of exceptional flux, it is even more   up riches from mining, manufactur-  Avraham and Lot’s names, implying
                   important to literally start MiBereishit,   ing, and farming. Yet, the principles   that their different approaches to
                   from the beginning, by examining the   that should govern this remarkable   wealth came between them.
                   Torah’s original protagonists and their   and aspirational development remain   Avraham is a paragon of the proper use
                   fundamental principles.           dangerously unclear.             of wealth, using his material blessings
                                                     Sefer Bereishit is preoccupied with   to call out in G-d’s name and care for
                   We are not the first to encounter a tech-  innovation, enterprise and the wealth   those less fortunate in his midst. He is a
                   nological change that is simultaneously   it brings. Noach invents the plow and   model for the affluent men and women
                   productive and destructive. The Sages   winemaking, while Avraham, Yitzchak,   of our generation.
                   teach us that Noach invented the plow,   and Yaakov are highly successful
                   a transformational invention that dra-  farmers and shepherds. The Ibn Ezra,   Yitzchak was also wealthy but acquired
                   matically improved the lot of mankind.   himself a poor man, suggests that Esav   his wealth by transitioning from the
                   The Torah tells us that Noah waited 500   spurned the rights of the first-born   shepherding business of his father to
                   years to have children. We can almost   and sold it to Yaakov because Yitzchak   agriculture. Times change. Industrial
                   hear the Thomas Malthus of his time   was poor, leading Esav to believe that   economies become technology and
                   or the New York Times of today saying,   his first-born status was worthless.   digital economies, while professions
                   “Do not have children because there   Responding vehemently to this sug-  such as law and accounting become
                   will not be enough food to feed them   gestion, the Ramban says Ibn Ezra was   less valuable than computer program-
                                                                                      ming. Those who adapt to the new
                   all!” However, Noach, the innovator,   “blind” in offering this interpretation.   economic culture like Yaakov can
                   changed everything with the plow, dra-  Yitzchak could not have been poor,   continue the family lineage, whereas
                   matically increasing the food supply   for G-d’s blessing to our forefathers   those who ignore or reject change end
                   and allowing humanity to procreate in   included material wealth! As Ramban   up like Esav.
                   droves. “These three were the sons of   makes clear, the value of financial
                   Noach, and from these, the whole world   success is ingrained in the book of   Though communities of faith are all
                   branched out.” (Bereishit 9:19)   Bereishit.                       challenged by change, change is con-
                                                     At the same time, Bereishit is deeply   stant. Because it’s not unexpected, we
                   Along with great prosperity, Noach’s   concerned with the ethical principles   can, to some degree, plan to deal with
                   invention also brought decadence. As   that must accompany business pur-  it. Fortunately, Bereishit teaches us that
                   the Torah warns throughout Sefer   suits. When describing Avraham’s move   we can and should embrace change by
                   Devarim, prosperity can bring haugh-  to Canaan, we are told that he brings   looking to our ancestors’ timeless tra-
                   tiness and spiritual decline. So it was   his nephew Lot along with him. At this   ditions and wisdom.
                   during the time of Noach. The emer-  point in the story, all we know about
                   gence of the plow was not accompa-  Lot is that he is an orphan. Avraham
         A member of   nied by principles that would clarify                          Michael Eisenberg is Co-founder and Partner
         the Mizrachi                                was wealthy, but he used his wealth   at early-stage venture capital fund Aleph and
       Speakers Bureau  the principled framework for its use.   to take responsibility for his orphaned   author of The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st
                   And so, the blessing of innovation was   nephew. Moreover, by contrasting Avra-  Century Business Principles from the Book of
           speakers  dimmed by unforeseen consequences.  ham and Lot after they both became   Genesis (Wicked Son).

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