Page 48 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 48

Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are an Israeli power couple and among the country’s most popular media
                         personalities, respected across the religious-secular spectrum. Their journalism on television, radio, and in print

                                                      RUACH YISRAEL

                               A Gradual Redemption

                                                        Sivan Rahav Meir

                                                     again. She was good at needlework,   The family didn’t plan it, but in the
                                                     and those skills saved her life during   picture taken of the “birthday girl” in
                                                     the war. After the Holocaust, Savta   the sukkah in Yerushalayim, just behind
                                                     made Aliyah aboard the ship named   her is a hand embroidered decoration
                                                     ‘Hatikvah.’ The British authorities   with the section from the Talmud
                                                     caught her, and she was sent back to   Yerushalmi that describes the gradual,
                                                     Europe. My father was born in Italy in a   slow redemption of Am Yisrael:
                                                     DP camp, where he spent the first year
                                                     and a half of his life. In the end, the    ה ָּ ת ּ פ ַל ֲח ן ֶּב ןֹוע ְמ ׁש י ִּב ַר ְו ה ָּב ַר אָּי ִח י ִּב ַר :ה ֶש ֲע ַמ
                                                     British released families with children,    ּוא ָר ְו ,ה ָת ְצי ִר ְק ִּב ל ֵּב ְר ַא ת ַע ְק ִּב א ָד ָה ְּב ןי ִכ ְּל ַה ְמ ןֹוו ֲה
                                                     and Savta arrived in Israel precisely on    ה ָּב ַר אָּי ִח י ִּב ַר ר ַמ ָא . ּ ה ָרֹוא ע ַק ָּב ׁש ר ַח ּׁ ש ַה ת ֶלֶּי ַא
                                                     the 29th of November 1947, the day on    ן ָת ָּל ֻאְּג אי ִה ך ָּכ ,י ִּבי ִר ְּב :ה ָּ ת ּ פ ַל ֲח ן ֶּב ןֹוע ְמ ׁש י ִּב ַר ְל
                                                     which the UN voted that the British    אי ִה ּׁ ש ה ַמ ל ָּכ .ה ָא ְמ ִק ,ה ָא ְמ ִק ,ה ָּל ִח ּ ת ַּב :ל ֵא ָר ְשִי ל ׁש ֶ
                                                     Mandate would end and a Jewish state    תוכרב ,ימלשורי דומלת) .ת ֶכ ֶלֹוה ְו ה ָּב ַר אי ִה ,ת ֶכ ֶלֹוה
                                                     would be formed.                                             (א:א
                                                                                      “Once, Rabbi Chiya the Great and Rabbi
                                                     “My grandfather, Savta’s husband,
                                                     worked  picking  produce  on  farms,   Shimon Ben Chalafta were walking in the
                                                     but he was killed in a car crash only   Arbel Valley in the early morning, and
                                                     three months after they arrived in   they saw the first light of dawn breaking
                                                     Israel. Savta found herself alone; A   through the darkness. Rabbi Chiya said to
                                                     Holocaust survivor, a young widow,   Rabbi Shimon, ‘This is how the redemption
                                                     and the mother of a small child. She   of Israel will take place. It will begin slowly,
                                                     heard that someone she had known   slowly, and gradually grow and strengthen
                                                     before the war had moved to Israel, and   all the  time.’” (Talmud Yerushalmi,
                                                     they got married and had another three   Berachot 1:1)
                          he  sukkah  you see in this   children together.            The story of Savta Tzipporah brings
                          photo may be temporary, but                                 this teaching to life!
                          the story behind it symbol-  “All her life, Savta worked as a seam-
                   Tizes Jewish eternity. This is    stress, and later on, she took care of     First published in Hebrew in Yediot
                   the story, as told to me by Yehoshua   elderly people. She dedicated her life to   Acharonot on October 25, 2019.
                   Goldring:                         her family. I remember as a child bring-
                                                     ing our socks with holes so she could
                   “Our Savta, Tzipporah Kendel, was born   fix them because, for Savta, every small
                   on Chol Hamoed Sukkot in a small   detail and job was of great significance.   Sivan Rahav Meir is a media personality
                   village in Transylvania to a family   She always told us that you never need   and lecturer. She lives in Jerusalem with her
                   of Vishnitz Chasidim. This week on   to throw anything away – everything   husband, Yedidya, and their five children,
                   Chol Hamoed Sukkot, in the Old City   can be used, recycled, or fixed.   and serves as World Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-
                   of Yerushalayim, she celebrated her   “Before I went to Poland, I spoke with   Residence. She is a primetime anchor on
                   100th birthday, surrounded by her   her. She never left the country after   Channel 2 News, has a column in Israel’s
                   grandchildren.                    arriving in Israel decades ago, but she   largest newspaper, Yediot Acharonot, and

                   “During the Holocaust, Savta was sent   wanted me to go there.     has a weekly radio show on Galei Tzahal
         A member of                                                                  (Army Radio). Sivan was included by Forbes
         the Mizrachi   with all of her family to Auschwitz. In   “Savta has merited to marry off all   magazine in their list of the 50 most
       Speakers Bureau  the selection, she and her older sister   her grandchildren and has several   influential women in Israel, and listed by
                   were chosen to live as slave laborers.   great-grandchildren and even one                                                                 the Jerusalem Post as one of the 50 most
           speakers  She never saw the rest of her family   great-great-grandchild!”  influential Jews in the world.

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