Page 50 - HaMizrachi #33 Sukkot 2021 USA
P. 50
Go, and know…
Yael Leibowitz
hen the world has grown small, and Go
yet family feels farther away than ever, From your childhood friends
here’s a moment to pause, with a sense
Wof pride, and an awareness of destiny. That you can never make again
Because they know
So they laugh at your stories
Go And only they will ever laugh that way
From your native land At your stories
From your father’s home
To the Land that I will show you Go
To the Land that he went to
Go But know, it will break your mother’s heart
From your siblings And your children will miss the hugs
And their children That only she can give
That you love
Almost as much as your own Go
To the Land
Go That will make everything sweeter
From your grandparents And harder
That you’re terrified to leave And deeper
Because they are frail And right
And their hands tremored To the Land
when you told them That will embrace you
In its foreignness
Go And its familiarity
From your colleagues Its stones
And your accomplishments Its spices
Its love
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