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                                                 TORAT MIZRACHI                   CHAYEI SARAH READING
                          Avraham, Chanukah and Rabbi Sacks  Chanukah and Chinuch
               +972 (0)2 620 9000                3     Rabbi Doron Perez          38    Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
                Mr. Harvey Blitz
              EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN                 6     Growing in the Darkness    42    Beware the Dangers of Jealousy
                                                                                        Rabbi Zev Leff
                                                       Rabbi Ari Rockoff
                Rabbi Doron Perez
               Rabbi Reuven Taragin              8     Doing What We Can          43    The Children’s Holiday
              Rabbanit Shani Taragin                   Rabbi Reuven Taragin             Rabbi Berel Wein
                                                 9     The End of The Beginning…   44   Can We Learn From the Greeks?
                                                       and the Beginning of the End
                                                       Rabbanit Shani Taragin           Rabbi Dov Lipman
        PUBLISHED BY THE MIZRACHI WORLD MOVEMENT  10   We are All Kohanim on Chanukah  46  Simcha and the Chanukah Candles
                EDITORIAL TEAM                         Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon            Rabbi Azarya Berzon
                 Daniel  Verbov
                 Esther Shafier
               CREATIVE DIRECTOR                 11    Appreciate the Miracles    47    The War or the Oil?
                                                       Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
                                                                                        Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky
                 Jonny Lipczer
               GRAPHIC DESIGNER
                 Hadas Peretz                    12    The Singular Light of Chanukah  48  The Messages of the Name of Chanukah
        PRODUCTION AND ADVERTISING MANAGER             Rabbi Danny Mirvis               Dr. Deena Zimmerman
                 Meyer Sterman
                14    Eight Thoughts for Eight Days
       HaMizrachi seeks to spread Torat Eretz Yisrael throughout   Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir  THE PEOPLE AND THE LAND
       the world. HaMizrachi also contains articles, opinion pieces
       and advertisements that represent the diversity of views and
       interests in our communities. These do not necessarily reflect             50    RAV KOOK'S TEACHINGS
       any official position of Mizrachi or its branches.  GLOBAL RELIGIOUS LEADERS     The Jews, the Greeks and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
        If you don't want to keep HaMizrachi, you can double-                           Rabbi Chanan Morrison
        wrap it before disposal, or place it directly into sheimos.
                                                 18    The Three Foundational Mitzvot  51  WHAT’S IN A WORD
                                                       Rabbi Avraham Shapira zt”l
                                                                                        Illuminating Words
                                                                                        David Curwin
                                                 19    The Real Choice Today      52    ISRAEL INSIGHT
                                                       Rabbi David Stav
                                                                                        Trump’s Mideast Innovations Should Stick
                                                                                        David M. Weinberg
                            20    Lighting the Candles at Home
                               Rabbi Hershel Schachter    56    RELIGIOUS ZIONIST LEADERS
                 212-465-9234                                                           Rabbi Yehuda Bibas
                  Presidium                            Miracles and the Power of Loneliness  NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
               Dr. Ernest Agatstein              22  Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi     57    To Ignite the Candle Within
              Rabbi Leonard Matanky                                                     Gael Grunewald
                Mr. Martin Oliner
                National Chairman                23    Chanukah 1948
                                                       Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel
               Mr. Seymour Shapiro                                                GENERAL INTEREST
              Executive Vice President                                                  SOCIAL COMMENTARY
                Rabbi Ari Rockoff                24    When is Failure a Blessing from G-d?  58  What Would Washington Think Today?
                                                                                        Rabbi Chaim Navon
          RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF CHICAGO                Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
                                                              60    PARENTING & RELATIONSHIPS
                                                                 Preparing Our Children for Marriage
                 847-674-9733                                                           Dr. David S. Ribner
                                                 REMEMBERING RABBI SACKS
                   President                                                            The Greatest Loss
                 Dr. Oren Lakser                 26    Zionist Congress, Mizrachi   62  Rabbi Yuval Cherlow
                                                       and the Influence of Rabbi Sacks
                Executive Director                     Rabbi Doron Perez
               Rabbi Jerold Isenberg      Cover photo courtesy of The Office of Rabbi Sacks  63
         RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF LOS ANGELES       28    The Many Faces of Rabbi Sacks    HaMizrachi Family Page
                 209-286-7141                          Lighting the Chanukah Candles
                   President                     31    with Rabbi Sacks
                  Chana Gelb                                                      35,000 COPIES DISTRIBUTED IN THESE
                                                 36    Eight Lessons in           33 STATES ACROSS THE USA: AL, AZ,
                                                                                  CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA,
                                                       Rabbi Sacks’ Leadership
                                                       Rabbi Benji Levy           MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NV, NY,
                                                                                  OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI
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