Page 4 - HaMizrachi #25 Chanuka 2020 USA
P. 4
Continued from page 3
understanding of the Jewish mission
must incorporate all three weaved into
one seamless whole.
Of course, Jewish life is rooted in our
belief in G-d and His Torah. Without
belief in G-d and acceptance of the
moral and spiritual laws revealed at
Sinai, we miss the mark of Jewish des-
tiny. It defines who we are and what
G-d wants from us. At the same time,
the G-dliness revealed to Avraham Religious people tend to interpret unswerving commitment to Jewish
very clearly and profoundly includes faith and Torah while simultane-
both a national and a universal ethos. Chanukah exclusively as a fight for the
primacy of Torah and Mesorah, our ously being a great lover of the Jewish
The principle of Am Yisrael, our col- Jewish beliefs and traditions. People people (and a great believer in every
lective responsibility and destiny, is from a national-religious background individual Jew), and a defender of
critical to the Jewish story. tend to agree with this basic premise Israel while conveying Torah values in
but laud the additional component of the broadest, most inspiring, universal
Yes, G-d revealed himself to one man, the political and military leadership and engaging way?
who became the founder of a singular role adopted by the Hasmoneans and
people given a particular land and a the restoration of Jewish sovereignty. Rabbi Sacks had the Avraham-like
distinct set of laws to fulfill their pur- ability to uplift the hearts and minds
pose in this world. People from the nationalist camp of all people, regardless of their reli-
view the Hasmoneans as the mili- gious beliefs and political affiliations.
Yes, Jewish particularism and people- tary-oriented Maccabees who stood He was a giant of a man encapsulating
hood is at the heart of Judaism. One up to defend their people and fight for – as only he could – the three-pronged
cannot separate Judaism from the independence, while liberals read the essence of Judaism – spiritual, national
Jewish people. story as a fight for religious tolerance. and universal.
The oppressive Hellenist regime was
Yet at the same time, G-d demanded discriminating against the Jews and We are therefore humbled and hon-
that Avraham be a source of bless- so they had the right to fight for their ored to dedicate our HaMizrachi
ing to all people. Jews are part of the freedom. Chanukah Edition to the life, teach-
family of nations because G-d wants ings and legacy of Rabbi Lord Jona-
us to be a source of spiritual blessing Whose reading of history is correct? than Sacks zt”l, who made a beautiful
and moral light to all. To love and Undoubtedly, all have an element and vibrant Judaism so accessible and
respect all those created in the image of truth. All capture a part of what inspiring for us all.
of G-d and be a proactive force in a the Chanukah legacy is and how the
universal mission for the greater good flames of the rekindled Menorah rep-
of all of humanity. resent the contrasting yet complemen- 1 See Rashi, Bereishit 18:4.
See Orot HaTechiya, 18.
tary torches of our collective Jewish
Hence there is no comprehensive defi- mission. 3 Indeed, the Rambam (Laws of Chanukah, 1:1)
nition of Judaism without integrating mentions both these achievements of the Has-
moneans. Salvation from the Greek regime at
all three elements into one harmoni- Is there anyone in our generation who the time reversed the oppressive decree against
ous whole. has embodied these three Abrahamic Torah observance and restored Jewish sover-
values more than Rabbi Lord Jonathan eignty for over 200 years until the destruction
Interestingly, these same three prisms Sacks zt”l? of the Second Temple.
shape the way exponents of different
ideologies tend to relate to the story of Is there anyone else who has inte- Rabbi Doron Perez is Executive Chairman
Chanukah. grated so holistically a deep and of the Mizrachi World Movement.
Society does not belong to any of us, but to all of us. It is the home we build together.