Page 22 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
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Mizrachi and Young Israel

                               Launch Exciting New Initiative

                                                Rabbi Yossi Goldin

                ne of the most exciting stories in   Additionally, the network allows for the   communities to have a smooth and suc-
                Medinat Yisrael today is the phe-  creation of a large, united, communal   cessful integration into Israeli society.
                nomenon of kibbutz galuyot – as   front to better address the needs of olim.
        Omore and more Jews choose to                                           Through their partnership with the
        make the move to Eretz Yisrael. Through   Rabbi Aharon Herskovitz, Rav of a grow-  Mizrachi-Young Israel Shuls Network,
                                                                                Habayta will welcome four Anglo olim
        the help of Nefesh B’Nefesh and other   ing community in the Kiryat HaSharon
        wonderful organizations, it is easier than   region of Netanya, Kehillat Shevet Achim,   communities to their program – Kehillat
                                                                                Hashiveinu  in  Ramot,  Kehillat  Ahavat
        ever to make Aliyah – and each year, more   is excited by the creation of this  shul
        families heed the “call of the generation”   network:                   Shalom in Caesarea, Kehillat Mishkan
                                                                                Shilo in Ramat Beit Shemesh, and Kehillat
        and return home. Statistics show that in   “One of the hardest challenges for olim is   Carmei Tzion in Carmei Gat – beginning
        the years 2021 and 2022, there was a sig-  the feeling of being different, which can
        nificant increase of olim from the USA and   overlap with a sense of being alone: here   September 2023. This pilot program will
                                                                                provide these communities with much
        Canada, with 2021 almost doubling the   without extended family, in an unfamiliar
        numbers from the previous year.     culture and social framework. Commu-  needed guidance and support, while also
                                                                                offering crucial funding that will enable
        As more and more Anglo families make   nity helps provide a lot of framework that   the shuls to increase the programming
        Aliyah, existing olim communities continue   people are missing, but it can sometimes   and services provided to their members.
        to grow exponentially – and new olim com-  feel like these communities exist as an   Following this initial phase, the plan is to
        munities are being established across the   island  unto themselves.  A connection   then expand this wonderful opportunity
        country. With the exceptional rise in these   with other communities would greatly   to many more Anglo olim communities in
        numbers, the needs of these communities   strengthen the feeling of belonging among   2024 and beyond.
        continue to grow as well.           our community members.”
                                                                                “We are thrilled that Kehillat Ahavat
        In order to assist these communities,   These sentiments are shared by Rabbi   Shalom  has  been  selected  to  join  the
        World Mizrachi and Young Israel in Israel   Yehoshua Felberg, Rav of another rapidly   exciting Mizrachi-Young Israel Habayta
        are partnering together to establish the   growing community in Harish:  initiative to engage and support olim in
        Mizrachi-Young Israel Shuls Network.   “Together, we can do more, by giving olim   our region,” exclaims Dvora Corn, a found-
        Launched at World Mizrachi’s World   a collective voice and support structure   ing member of Kehillat Ahavat Shalom.
        Orthodox Israel Congress in April 2023,   and by ensuring those who come up to   “We believe that our relationship with
        this network brings together olim com-  the Land have a successful Aliyah, spiritu-  Mizrachi-Young Israel and Habayta will
        munities from across Israel, enabling   ally and physically. The network will help   strengthen Ahavat Shalom to enable us
        the communities to connect and support   olim to strike deep roots and realize their   to reach out beyond our kehillah, and also
        each other through the sharing of expe-  goal – building a secure future for them   strengthen the cohesion of the growing
        riences, programs, and ideas. Dedicated   and their families in the homeland of the   Ahavat Shalom community.”
        WhatsApp/email groups for rabbis, reb-  Jewish people, Israel.”
        betzins, and shul lay leaders have been
        created to enable conversation and pro-  One of the first initiatives undertaken
        vide crucial support regarding common   by the Shuls Network is an exciting part-
        areas of challenge and achievement.   nership with Habayta, an organization
        These platforms also serve as vehicles for   founded in 2009 whose goal is to support
        Mizrachi and Young Israel to develop and   the building of successful olim communi-
        share programs and initiatives for the   ties in Israel. Their “Kehilot Mechabrot”
        benefit of these communities. Planned   program currently works with over 30 olim   Rabbi Yossi Goldin
        future programs include yemei iyun and   communities across the country – con-  is Director of Young Israel in Israel, Branch
        training programs for religious and lay   sisting of olim mostly from France, South   Coordinator for NCYI, and heads the
        leadership of the communities, as well as   America, Russia, and Ukraine – provid-  Shuls Department at World Mizrachi. He
        joint community programming aimed at   ing guidance, support, programming,   is also Israel Immersion Coordinator and
                                                                                  Placement Advisor for YU/RIETS in Israel.
        connecting communities with each other.   and financial assistance to enable these

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